Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a popular operating system that is widely used in enterprises for its reliability and security features. One key component of RHEL is the package manager called "yum", which allows users to easily install, update, and manage software packages on their systems.

However, with the release of RHEL 8, Red Hat has introduced a new package manager called "dnf" (Dandified YUM), which is the next generation of the yum package manager and offers improved performance and better dependency resolution.

For users who are still using RHEL 7 or earlier versions, they can still use the "yum" package manager, but it is recommended to start transitioning to "dnf" to take advantage of the new features and improvements.

One common question that users may have is how to download the "dnf" package manager for their Linux distribution. The good news is that "dnf" is available for download from the official Red Hat repositories, and users can easily install it using the following steps:

First, users need to enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository on their system. This can be done by running the following command:

sudo yum install epel-release

Next, users can install the "dnf" package manager by running the following command:

sudo yum install dnf

Once the installation is complete, users can start using the "dnf" package manager to manage software packages on their system. Some common commands that users may find useful include:

- To install a package: `sudo dnf install `
- To update a package: `sudo dnf update `
- To remove a package: `sudo dnf remove `
- To search for a package: `sudo dnf search `

Overall, the introduction of the "dnf" package manager in RHEL 8 represents a significant improvement over the traditional "yum" package manager and provides users with a more efficient and reliable way to manage software packages on their systems. By following the simple steps outlined above, users can easily download and start using "dnf" on their Linux distributions.