


这个脚本的交互部分最重要的就是需要输入要进行对比的两个awr报告的begin snap_id与end snap_id



我们打算比对3月30号00:00~01:00 和 3月31号00:00~01:00这两个时间段的AWR


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SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Mar 31 11:23:08 2018

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

## 登录特定的用户,输入密码
SQL> connect cc@PR_CC
Enter password: 
## 执行awrddrpt脚本
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrddrpt

Current Instance

   DB Id       DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Inst Num Instance
----------- ----------- ------------ -------- -------- ------------
 2143881171  2143881171 CC                  1        1 cc

Specify the Report Type
Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
## 默认html
Enter value for report_type: 

Type Specified:  html

Instances in this Workload Repository schema

   DB Id     Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 2143881171        1 CC           cc           ocsdb01

Database Id and Instance Number for the First Pair of Snapshots
Using 2143881171 for Database Id for the first pair of snapshots
Using          1 for Instance Number for the first pair of snapshots

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

Enter value for num_days: 2

Listing the last 2 days of Completed Snapshots

Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
cc           CC               10080 30 Mar 2018 00:00      1
                              10081 30 Mar 2018 01:00      1
                              10082 30 Mar 2018 02:00      1
                              10083 30 Mar 2018 03:00      1
                              10084 30 Mar 2018 04:00      1
                              10085 30 Mar 2018 05:00      1
                              10086 30 Mar 2018 06:00      1
                              10087 30 Mar 2018 07:00      1
                              10088 30 Mar 2018 08:00      1
                              10089 30 Mar 2018 09:00      1
                              10090 30 Mar 2018 10:00      1
                              10091 30 Mar 2018 11:00      1
                              10092 30 Mar 2018 12:00      1
                              10093 30 Mar 2018 13:00      1
                              10094 30 Mar 2018 14:00      1
                              10095 30 Mar 2018 15:00      1
                              10096 30 Mar 2018 16:00      1
                              10097 30 Mar 2018 17:00      1
                              10098 30 Mar 2018 18:00      1
                              10099 30 Mar 2018 19:00      1
                              10100 30 Mar 2018 20:00      1
                              10101 30 Mar 2018 21:00      1
                              10102 30 Mar 2018 22:00      1
                              10103 30 Mar 2018 23:00      1
                              10104 31 Mar 2018 00:00      1
                              10105 31 Mar 2018 01:00      1
                              10106 31 Mar 2018 02:00      1
                              10107 31 Mar 2018 03:00      1
                              10108 31 Mar 2018 04:00      1
                              10109 31 Mar 2018 05:00      1
                              10110 31 Mar 2018 06:00      1
                              10111 31 Mar 2018 07:00      1
                              10112 31 Mar 2018 08:00      1
                              10113 31 Mar 2018 09:00      1
                              10114 31 Mar 2018 10:00      1
                              10115 31 Mar 2018 11:00      1

Specify the First Pair of Begin and End Snapshot Ids
## 选择开始的快照
Enter value for begin_snap: 10080
First Begin Snapshot Id specified: 10080
## 选择结束的快照
Enter value for end_snap: 10081
First End   Snapshot Id specified: 10081

Instances in this Workload Repository schema

   DB Id     Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 2143881171        1 CC           cc           ocsdb01

Database Id and Instance Number for the Second Pair of Snapshots

Using 2143881171 for Database Id for the second pair of snapshots
Using          1 for Instance Number for the second pair of snapshots

Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.

Enter value for num_days2: 1

Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots

Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
cc           CC               10104 31 Mar 2018 00:00      1
                              10105 31 Mar 2018 01:00      1
                              10106 31 Mar 2018 02:00      1
                              10107 31 Mar 2018 03:00      1
                              10108 31 Mar 2018 04:00      1
                              10109 31 Mar 2018 05:00      1
                              10110 31 Mar 2018 06:00      1
                              10111 31 Mar 2018 07:00      1
                              10112 31 Mar 2018 08:00      1
                              10113 31 Mar 2018 09:00      1
                              10114 31 Mar 2018 10:00      1
                              10115 31 Mar 2018 11:00      1

Specify the Second Pair of Begin and End Snapshot Ids
## 选择开始的快照
Enter value for begin_snap2: 10104
Second Begin Snapshot Id specified: 10104
## 选择结束的快照
Enter value for end_snap2: 10105
Second End   Snapshot Id specified: 10105

Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is awrdiff_1_10080_1_10104.html  To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
## 输入awr报告名称
Enter value for report_name: artisan_awr_diff_rpt

Using the report name artisan_awr_diff_rpt

Report written to artisan_awr_diff_rpt
## 退出
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

## 当前目录下查找输出的报告
ocsdb01:[/oracle$]ls artisan_awr_diff_rpt*

