from import Appfrom kivy.lang import Builderfrom kivy.uix.recycleview import RecycleViewfrom kivy.uix.recycleview.views import RecycleDataViewBehaviorfrom kivy.uix.label import Labelfrom import BooleanPropertyfrom kivy.uix.recycleboxlayout import RecycleBoxLayoutfrom kivy.uix.behaviors import FocusBehaviorfrom kivy.uix.recycleview.layout import LayoutSelectionBehavior Builder.load_string(''': # Draw a background to indicate selection canvas.before: Color: rgba: (1, 0, 1, .5) if self.selected else (0, 0, 0, 1) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size: viewclass: 'SelectableLabel' SelectableRecycleBoxLayout: canvas: Color: rgba: (1, 1, 0,1) Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size default_size: None, dp(56) default_size_hint: 1, None size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height orientation: 'vertical' multiselect: True touch_multiselect: True ''')class SelectableRecycleBoxLayout(FocusBehavior, LayoutSelectionBehavior, RecycleBoxLayout): ''' Adds selection and focus behaviour to the view. '''class SelectableLabel(RecycleDataViewBehavior, Label): ''' Add selection support to the Label ''' index = None selected = BooleanProperty(False) selectable = BooleanProperty(True) def refresh_view_attrs(self, rv, index, data): ''' Catch and handle the view changes ''' self.index = index return super(SelectableLabel, self).refresh_view_attrs( rv, index, data) def on_touch_down(self, touch): ''' Add selection on touch down ''' if super(SelectableLabel, self).on_touch_down(touch): return False if self.collide_point(*touch.pos) and self.selectable: try: for one_color in self.parent.children: if one_color.selected: one_color.selected = False if[self.index]["text"]==one_color.text: self.parent.parent.data_selected[0]=one_color.text one_color.selected=True except: passclass RV(RecycleView): def __init__(self,data_range=range(2000,2100),**kwargs): super(RV, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.data_selected=[0] = [{'text': str(x)} for x in data_range]class TestApp(App): def build(self): return RV()if __name__ == '__main__': TestApp().run()