Nginx 有个 echo 模块可以用来输出一些简单的信息,例如:

​​location ​​​​/hello​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"hello, world!"​​​​;​​

​​location ​​​​/hello​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo​​​ ​​-n ​​​​"hello, "​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"world!"​​​​;​​

​​location ​​​​/timed_hello​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo​​​ ​​hello world;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"'hello world' takes about $echo_timer_elapsed sec."​​​​;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​hiya igor;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"'hiya igor' takes about $echo_timer_elapsed sec."​​​​;​​

​​location ​​​​/echo_with_sleep​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo​​​ ​​hello;​​
​​echo_flush; ​​​​# ensure the client can see previous output immediately​​
​​echo_sleep 2.5; ​​​​# in sec​​
​​echo​​​ ​​world;​​

​​# in the following example, accessing /echo yields​​
​​# hello​​
​​# world​​
​​# blah​​
​​# hiya​​
​​# igor​​
​​location ​​​​/echo​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_before_body hello;​​
​​echo_before_body world;​​
​​proxy_pass $scheme:​​​​//127​​​​.0.0.1:$server_port$request_uri​​​​/more​​​​;​​
​​echo_after_body hiya;​​
​​echo_after_body igor;​​
​​location ​​​​/echo/more​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo​​​ ​​blah;​​

​​# the output of /main might be​​
​​# hello​​
​​# world​​
​​# took 0.000 sec for total.​​
​​# and the whole request would take about 2 sec to complete.​​
​​location ​​​​/main​​​ ​​{​​

​​# subrequests in parallel​​
​​echo_location_async ​​​​/sub1​​​​;​​
​​echo_location_async ​​​​/sub2​​​​;​​

​​echo​​​ ​​"took $echo_timer_elapsed sec for total."​​​​;​​
​​location ​​​​/sub1​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_sleep 2;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​hello;​​
​​location ​​​​/sub2​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_sleep 1;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​world;​​

​​# the output of /main might be​​
​​# hello​​
​​# world​​
​​# took 3.003 sec for total.​​
​​# and the whole request would take about 3 sec to complete.​​
​​location ​​​​/main​​​ ​​{​​

​​# subrequests in series (chained by CPS)​​
​​echo_location ​​​​/sub1​​​​;​​
​​echo_location ​​​​/sub2​​​​;​​

​​echo​​​ ​​"took $echo_timer_elapsed sec for total."​​​​;​​
​​location ​​​​/sub1​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_sleep 2;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​hello;​​
​​location ​​​​/sub2​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_sleep 1;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​world;​​

​​# Accessing /dup gives​​
​​# ------ END ------​​
​​location ​​​​/dup​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_duplicate 3 ​​​​"--"​​​​;​​
​​echo_duplicate 1 ​​​​" END "​​​​;​​
​​echo_duplicate 3 ​​​​"--"​​​​;​​

​​# /bighello will generate 1000,000,000 hello's.​​
​​location ​​​​/bighello​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_duplicate 1000_000_000 ​​​​'hello'​​​​;​​

​​# echo back the client request​​
​​location ​​​​/echoback​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_duplicate 1 $echo_client_request_headers;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"\r"​​​​;​​



​​# GET /multi will yields​​
​​# querystring: foo=Foo​​
​​# method: POST​​
​​# body: hi​​
​​# content length: 2​​
​​# ///​​
​​# querystring: bar=Bar​​
​​# method: PUT​​
​​# body: hello​​
​​# content length: 5​​
​​# ///​​
​​location ​​​​/multi​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo_subrequest_async POST ​​​​'/sub'​​​ ​​-q ​​​​'foo=Foo'​​​ ​​-b ​​​​'hi'​​​​;​​
​​echo_subrequest_async PUT ​​​​'/sub'​​​ ​​-q ​​​​'bar=Bar'​​​ ​​-b ​​​​'hello'​​​​;​​
​​location ​​​​/sub​​​ ​​{​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"querystring: $query_string"​​​​;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"method: $echo_request_method"​​​​;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"body: $echo_request_body"​​​​;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"content length: $http_content_length"​​​​;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​'///'​​​​;​​

​​# GET /merge?/foo.js&/bar/blah.js&/yui/baz.js will merge the .js resources together​​
​​location ​​​​/merge​​​ ​​{​​
​​default_type ​​​​'text/javascript'​​​​;​​
​​echo_foreach_split ​​​​'&'​​​ ​​$query_string;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​"/* JS File $echo_it */"​​​​;​​
​​echo_location_async $echo_it;​​

​​# accessing /if?val=abc yields the "hit" output​​
​​# while /if?val=bcd yields "miss":​​
​​location ^~ ​​​​/if​​​ ​​{​​
​​set​​​ ​​$res miss;​​
​​if​​​ ​​($arg_val ~* ​​​​'^a'​​​​) {​​
​​set​​​ ​​$res hit;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​$res;​​
​​echo​​​ ​​$res;​​

这个模块不包含在 Nginx 源码中,安装方法:

1. 首先下载模块源码:​​​​​2. 解压到某个路径,假设为 /path/to/echo-nginx-module
3. 使用下面命令编译并安装 Nginx

​​$ wget ​​​​''​​
​​$ ​​​​tar​​​ ​​-xzvf nginx-1.0.11.​​​​tar​​​​.gz​​
​​$ ​​​​cd​​​ ​​nginx-1.0.11/​​

​​# Here we assume you would install you nginx under /opt/nginx/.​​
​​$ .​​​​/configure​​​ ​​--prefix=​​​​/opt/nginx​​​ ​​\​​

​​$ ​​​​make​​​ ​​-j2​​
​​$ ​​​​make​​​ ​​install​​

试试看吧,该模块是国人 ​​@章亦春​​ 开发的。