# SQL Server COALESCE: A Guide for Beginners

As an experienced developer, you may have come across the need to handle NULL values in SQL Server. One common function used for this purpose is COALESCE. In this guide, we will walk through the process of using COALESCE in SQL Server, with code examples to help you understand how it works.

## What is COALESCE?

COALESCE is a SQL function that returns the first non-NULL expression among its arguments. It is often used to handle NULL values and provide a default value when a NULL is encountered.

## Steps to Use COALESCE in SQL Server

Here are the steps to use COALESCE in SQL Server:

| Step | Description |
| 1. | Understand the concept of COALESCE. |
| 2. | Write a SQL query that uses COALESCE to handle NULL values. |
| 3. | Execute the query and observe the results. |

### Step 1: Understand the concept of COALESCE

Before using COALESCE, it is important to understand how it works. COALESCE takes multiple arguments and returns the first non-NULL value. If all arguments are NULL, COALESCE returns NULL.

### Step 2: Write a SQL query that uses COALESCE

Let's suppose we have a table called `Employees` with columns `EmployeeID`, `FirstName`, and `LastName`. Some employees may have a NULL value for their last name. We want to display a default last name of "Doe" for employees with NULL last names. Here's the SQL query using COALESCE:

SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, COALESCE(LastName, 'Doe') AS LastName
FROM Employees;

In this query, we use COALESCE to check if the `LastName` is NULL. If it is NULL, it will be replaced with the default value 'Doe'.

### Step 3: Execute the query and observe the results

Execute the SQL query in your SQL Server management tool and observe the results. You should see the `LastName` column showing the actual last names for employees who have them, and "Doe" for employees with NULL last names.

## Conclusion

In this guide, we have learned how to use COALESCE in SQL Server to handle NULL values. COALESCE is a powerful function that simplifies dealing with NULLs in queries. By understanding its purpose and syntax, you can effectively manage NULL values in your SQL Server database. Keep practicing and exploring different scenarios where COALESCE can be applied to enhance your SQL skills. Happy coding!