



本次测试的环境采用虚拟主机资源:8C 10G 100G配置,操作系统为RHEL 8.4 准备基础资源包

yum install -y krb5-devel krb5-libs unzip libicu






[root@localhost IRISHealth_Community-2024.]# ./irisinstall

Your system type is 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x64)'.

Enter instance name <IRISHEALTH>:

Enter a destination directory for the new instance.
Directory: /intersystem
Directory '/intersystem' does not exist.
Do you want to create it <Yes>? yes

Select installation type.
    1) Development - Install IRISHealth server and all language bindings
    2) Server only - Install IRISHealth server
    3) Custom
Setup type <1>? 1

How restrictive do you want the initial Security settings to be?
"Locked Down" is the most secure, "Normal" is the least restrictive.
    1) Locked Down
    2) Normal
Initial Security settings <1>? 2

What user should be the owner of this instance? root
An InterSystems IRIS account will also be created for user root.

Install will create the following IRISHealth accounts for you:
_SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser, root and CSPSystem.
Please enter the common password for _SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser and root:
Re-enter the password to confirm it:

Please enter the password for CSPSystem:
Re-enter the password to confirm it:

What group should be allowed to start and stop
  this instance? root

Do you want to install IRISHealth Unicode support <Yes>? yes

IRISHealth did not detect a license key file

Do you want to enter a license key <No>? no

Please review the installation options:
Instance name: IRISHEALTH
Destination directory: /intersystem
IRISHealth version to install: 2024.
Installation type: Development
Unicode support: Y
Initial Security settings: Normal
User who owns instance: root
Group allowed to start and stop instance: root
Effective group for IRISHealth processes: irisusr
Effective user for IRISHealth SuperServer: irisusr
SuperServer port: 1972
WebServer port: 52773
JDBC Gateway port: 53773
Web Gateway: not using local web server

Confirm IRISHealth installation <Yes>? yes

Starting installation
Starting up IRISHealth for loading...



这里使用dbeaver来测试连接 image.png 使用sql语句对自定义表做简单操作验证 image.png