如何阅读JVM 源码

JDK中JVM(安装在本地C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\jre\bin\server下jvm.dll)本身并不开源,只能找来openJDK来看(说是和JDK相似度很高)

—— corba:不流行的多语言、分布式通讯接口
—— hotspot:Java 虚拟机
—— jaxp:XML 处理
—— jaxws:一组 XML web services 的 Java API
—— jdk:java 开发工具包
—— —— 针对操作系统的部分
—— —— share:与平台无关的实现
—— langtools:Java 语言工具
—— nashorn:JVM 上的 JavaScript 运行时

hotspot 代码结构

├─agent Serviceability Agent的实现
├─make 用来build出HotSpot的各种配置文件
├─src HotSpot VM的源代码
│ ├─cpu CPU相关代码
│ ├─os 操作系统相关代码
│ ├─os_cpu 操作系统+CPU的组合相关的代码
│ └─share 平台无关的共通代码
│ ├─tools 工具
│ │ ├─hsdis 反汇编插件
│ │ ├─IdealGraphVisualizer 将server编译器的中间代码可视化的工具
│ │ ├─launcher 启动程序“java”
│ │ ├─LogCompilation 将-XX:+LogCompilation输出的日志(hotspot.log)整理成更容易阅读的格式的工具
│ │ └─ProjectCreator 生成Visual Studio的project文件的工具
│ └─vm HotSpot VM的核心代码
│ ├─adlc 平台描述文件(上面的cpu或os_cpu里的*.ad文件)的编译器
│ ├─asm 汇编器接口
│ ├─c1 client编译器
│ ├─ci 动态编译器的公共服务/接口
│ ├─classfile 类文件的处理(包括类加载和系统符号表等)
│ ├─code 动态生成的代码的管理
│ ├─compiler 编译器接口
│ ├─gc_implementation GC的实现
│ │ ├─concurrentMarkSweep Concurrent Mark Sweep GC的实现
│ │ ├─g1 Garbage-First GC的实现(不使用老的分代GC框架)
│ │ ├─parallelScavenge ParallelScavenge GC的实现(server VM默认,不使用老的分代式GC框架)
│ │ ├─parNew ParNew GC的实现
│ │ └─shared GC的共同实现
│ ├─gc_interface GC的接口
│ ├─interpreter 解释器,包括“模板解释器”(官方版在用)和“C++解释器”(官方版不在用)
│ ├─libadt 一些抽象数据结构
│ ├─memory 内存管理相关(老的分代GC框架也在这里)
│ ├─oops HotSpot VM的对象系统的实现
│ ├─opto server编译器
│ ├─prims HotSpot VM的对外接口,包括部分标准库的native部分和JVMTI实现
│ ├─runtime 运行时支持库(包括线程管理、编译器调度、锁、反射等)
│ ├─services 主要是用来支持JMX之类的管理功能的接口
│ ├─shark 基于LLVM的JIT编译器(官方版里没有使用)
│ └─utilities 一些基本的工具类
└─test 单元测试

举个例子,看下wait 在 JVM  中的实现:jdk\src\share\native\java\lang\Object.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include "jni.h"
#include "jni_util.h"
#include "jvm.h"

#include "java_lang_Object.h"

static JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
{"hashCode", "()I", (void *)&JVM_IHashCode},
{"wait", "(J)V", (void *)&JVM_MonitorWait},
{"notify", "()V", (void *)&JVM_MonitorNotify},
{"notifyAll", "()V", (void *)&JVM_MonitorNotifyAll},
{"clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", (void *)&JVM_Clone},

Java_java_lang_Object_registerNatives(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
(*env)->RegisterNatives(env, cls,
methods, sizeof(methods)/sizeof(methods[0]));

Java_java_lang_Object_getClass(JNIEnv *env, jobject this)
if (this == NULL) {
JNU_ThrowNullPointerException(env, NULL);
return 0;
} else {
return (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, this);


void ObjectMonitor::wait(jlong millis, bool interruptible, TRAPS) {
Thread * const Self = THREAD ;
assert(Self->is_Java_thread(), "Must be Java thread!");
JavaThread *jt = (JavaThread *)THREAD;

DeferredInitialize () ;

// Throw IMSX or IEX.

EventJavaMonitorWait event;

// check for a pending interrupt
if (interruptible && Thread::is_interrupted(Self, true) && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
// post monitor waited event. Note that this is past-tense, we are done waiting.
if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_waited()) {
// Note: 'false' parameter is passed here because the
// wait was not timed out due to thread interrupt.
JvmtiExport::post_monitor_waited(jt, this, false);
if (event.should_commit()) {
post_monitor_wait_event(&event, 0, millis, false);
TEVENT (Wait - Throw IEX) ;
return ;

TEVENT (Wait) ;

assert (Self->_Stalled == 0, "invariant") ;
Self->_Stalled = intptr_t(this) ;

// create a node to be put into the queue
// Critically, after we reset() the event but prior to park(), we must check
// for a pending interrupt.
ObjectWaiter node(Self);//Self 是Thread 对象,将当前线程封装成ObjectWaiter对象node
node.TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_WAIT ;
Self->_ParkEvent->reset() ;
OrderAccess::fence(); // ST into Event; membar ; LD interrupted-flag

// Enter the waiting queue, which is a circular doubly linked list in this case
// but it could be a priority queue or any data structure.
// _WaitSetLock protects the wait queue. Normally the wait queue is accessed only
// by the the owner of the monitor *except* in the case where park()
// returns because of a timeout of interrupt. Contention is exceptionally rare
// so we use a simple spin-lock instead of a heavier-weight blocking lock.

Thread::SpinAcquire (&_WaitSetLock, "WaitSet - add") ;
AddWaiter (&node) ; //将 node加入到 ObjectWaiter 的_WaitSet 中
Thread::SpinRelease (&_WaitSetLock) ;

if ((SyncFlags & 4) == 0) {
_Responsible = NULL ;
intptr_t save = _recursions; // record the old recursion count
_waiters++; // increment the number of waiters
_recursions = 0; // set the recursion level to be 1
exit (true, Self) ; // exit the monitor
guarantee (_owner != Self, "invariant") ;

// As soon as the ObjectMonitor's ownership is dropped in the exit()
// call above, another thread can enter() the ObjectMonitor, do the
// notify(), and exit() the ObjectMonitor. If the other thread's
// exit() call chooses this thread as the successor and the unpark()
// call happens to occur while this thread is posting a
// MONITOR_CONTENDED_EXIT event, then we run the risk of the event
// handler using RawMonitors and consuming the unpark().
// To avoid the problem, we re-post the event. This does no harm
// even if the original unpark() was not consumed because we are the
// chosen successor for this monitor.
if (node._notified != 0 && _succ == Self) {

// The thread is on the WaitSet list - now park() it.
// On MP systems it's conceivable that a brief spin before we park
// could be profitable.
// TODO-FIXME: change the following logic to a loop of the form
// while (!timeout && !interrupted && _notified == 0) park()

int ret = OS_OK ;
int WasNotified = 0 ;
{ // State transition wrappers
OSThread* osthread = Self->osthread();
OSThreadWaitState osts(osthread, true);
ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(jt);
// Thread is in thread_blocked state and oop access is unsafe.

if (interruptible && (Thread::is_interrupted(THREAD, false) || HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION)) {
// Intentionally empty
} else
if (node._notified == 0) {
if (millis <= 0) {
Self->_ParkEvent->park () ; //重点分析这句
} else {
ret = Self->_ParkEvent->park (millis) ; //重点分析这句

// were we externally suspended while we were waiting?
if (ExitSuspendEquivalent (jt)) {
// TODO-FIXME: add -- if succ == Self then succ = null.

} // Exit thread safepoint: transition _thread_blocked -> _thread_in_vm

// Node may be on the WaitSet, the EntryList (or cxq), or in transition
// from the WaitSet to the EntryList.
// See if we need to remove Node from the WaitSet.
// We use double-checked locking to avoid grabbing _WaitSetLock
// if the thread is not on the wait queue.
// Note that we don't need a fence before the fetch of TState.
// In the worst case we'll fetch a old-stale value of TS_WAIT previously
// written by the is thread. (perhaps the fetch might even be satisfied
// by a look-aside into the processor's own store buffer, although given
// the length of the code path between the prior ST and this load that's
// highly unlikely). If the following LD fetches a stale TS_WAIT value
// then we'll acquire the lock and then re-fetch a fresh TState value.
// That is, we fail toward safety.

if (node.TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_WAIT) {
Thread::SpinAcquire (&_WaitSetLock, "WaitSet - unlink") ;
if (node.TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_WAIT) {
DequeueSpecificWaiter (&node) ; // unlink from WaitSet
assert(node._notified == 0, "invariant");
node.TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_RUN ;
Thread::SpinRelease (&_WaitSetLock) ;

// The thread is now either on off-list (TS_RUN),
// on the EntryList (TS_ENTER), or on the cxq (TS_CXQ).
// The Node's TState variable is stable from the perspective of this thread.
// No other threads will asynchronously modify TState.
guarantee (node.TState != ObjectWaiter::TS_WAIT, "invariant") ;
OrderAccess::loadload() ;
if (_succ == Self) _succ = NULL ;
WasNotified = node._notified ;

// Reentry phase -- reacquire the monitor.
// re-enter contended monitor after object.wait().
// retain OBJECT_WAIT state until re-enter successfully completes
// Thread state is thread_in_vm and oop access is again safe,
// although the raw address of the object may have changed.
// (Don't cache naked oops over safepoints, of course).

// post monitor waited event. Note that this is past-tense, we are done waiting.
if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_waited()) {
JvmtiExport::post_monitor_waited(jt, this, ret == OS_TIMEOUT);

if (event.should_commit()) {
post_monitor_wait_event(&event, node._notifier_tid, millis, ret == OS_TIMEOUT);

OrderAccess::fence() ;

assert (Self->_Stalled != 0, "invariant") ;
Self->_Stalled = 0 ;

assert (_owner != Self, "invariant") ;
ObjectWaiter::TStates v = node.TState ;
if (v == ObjectWaiter::TS_RUN) {
enter (Self) ;
} else {
guarantee (v == ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER || v == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "invariant") ;
ReenterI (Self, &node) ;

// Self has reacquired the lock.
// Lifecycle - the node representing Self must not appear on any queues.
// Node is about to go out-of-scope, but even if it were immortal we wouldn't
// want residual elements associated with this thread left on any lists.
guarantee (node.TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_RUN, "invariant") ;
assert (_owner == Self, "invariant") ;
assert (_succ != Self , "invariant") ;
} // OSThreadWaitState()


guarantee (_recursions == 0, "invariant") ;
_recursions = save; // restore the old recursion count
_waiters--; // decrement the number of waiters

// Verify a few postconditions
assert (_owner == Self , "invariant") ;
assert (_succ != Self , "invariant") ;
assert (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;

if (SyncFlags & 32) {
OrderAccess::fence() ;

// check if the notification happened
if (!WasNotified) {
// no, it could be timeout or Thread.interrupt() or both
// check for interrupt event, otherwise it is timeout
if (interruptible && Thread::is_interrupted(Self, true) && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
TEVENT (Wait - throw IEX from epilog) ;

// NOTE: Spurious wake up will be consider as timeout.
// Monitor notify has precedence over thread interrupt.
  • ObjectWaiter node(Self);   Self 是Thread 对象,将当前线程封装成ObjectWaiter对象node;

  • ObjectMonitor::AddWaiter() 将 node加入到  ObjectWaiter 的_WaitSet 中;

  • exit (true, Self) ; // exit the monitor 线程退出monitor;

  • Self->_ParkEvent->park () ;  最终底层的park方法挂起线程;


  • openjdk-8-src-b132-03_mar_2014.zip\openjdk\hotspot\src\os\windows\vm
  • https://blog.csdn.net/qq_26222859/article/details/53930941
  • https://www.jianshu.com/p/b91258bc08ac
  • http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot/file/677234770800/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp