I have issue with:

<form:checkboxes path="roles" cssClass="checkbox" items="${roleSelections}"/>

If previous line is used in jsp, then generated html looks like:

<span><input id="roles1" name="roles"class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="ROLE_NEWUSER"/><label for="roles1">ROLE_NEWUSER</label></span><span><input id="roles2" name="roles"class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="ROLE_USER" checked="checked"/><label for="roles2">ROLE_USER</label></span><span><input id="roles3" name="roles"class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="ROLE_EDITOR"/><label for="roles3">ROLE_EDITOR</label></span><span><input id="roles4" name="roles"class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"/><label for="roles4">ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</label></span>

Please notice that css class is added to input tag. Instead css class is added to input tag I need this class to be added to span tag. Is there any solution to my problem, other then using < c:forEach > tag

Thanks in advance. Sorry if question is duplicate. If so, please point me to original question.


You can try this:

<c:forEach var="item" items="${roleSelections}"><span class="checkbox"><form:checkbox path="roles" value="${item}"></span></c:forEach>


All you need to do is to specify 'element' attribute :

<form:checkboxes path="roles" element="span class='checkbox'" items="${roleSelections}"/>