In the sample input below, "carbohydrate" can be abbreviated to "carboh", but it cannot be abbreviated to "carbo" (or anything shorter) because there are other words in the list that begin with "carbo".
An exact match will override a prefix match. For example, the prefix "car" matches the given word "car" exactly. Therefore, it is understood without ambiguity that "car" is an abbreviation for "car" , not for "carriage" or any of the other words in the list that begins with "car".
carbohydrate cart carburetor caramel caribou carbonic cartilage carbon carriage carton car carbonateSample Output
carbohydrate carboh cart cart carburetor carbu caramel cara caribou cari carbonic carboni cartilage carti carbon carbon carriage carr carton carto car car carbonate carbona
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Trie { int c; Trie *next[26]; }; Trie *CreateNode() { Trie *p = new Trie; p -> c = 0; for(int i = 0;i < 26;i ++) { p -> next[i] = NULL; } return p; } Trie *Insert(Trie *head,string a) { Trie *h = head; for(int i = 0;i < a.size();i ++) { if(head -> next[a[i] - 'a'] == NULL) { head -> next[a[i] - 'a'] = CreateNode(); } head = head -> next[a[i] - 'a']; head -> c ++; } return h; } void print(Trie *head,string a) { for(int i = 0;i < a.size();i ++) { head = head -> next[a[i] - 'a']; if(head == NULL)return; if(head -> c > 1)cout<<a[i]; else if(head -> c == 1) { cout<<a[i]; return; } } } int main() { string a[1005]; int i = 0; Trie *head = CreateNode(); while(cin>>a[i]) { head = Insert(head,a[i ++]); } for(int j = 0;j < i;j ++) { cout<<a[j]<<' '; print(head,a[j]); cout<<endl; } }