SELECT segment_name AS TABLENAME,round(BYTES/1024/1024,2)  FROM user_segments WHERE segment_name='表名'。  查出来的是M为单位;



select tt1.table_name,
round(tt1.length1 * tt2.colnum * tt2.rownums / 1024 / 1024, 2) as sum_MB
from (select t.table_name, sum(t.DATA_LENGTH) as length1
from dba_tab_columns t, ecp_temp t1
where t.owner = 'BIDPRO'
and t.table_name = t1.tablename
group by t.table_name) tt1,

ecp_temp tt2
where tt1.table_name = tt2.tablename;

We only live once, and time just goes by.