
      pmap - report memory map of a process(查看进程的内存映像信息)


      pmap [ -x | -d ] [ -q ] pids...

      pmap -V


      -x   extended       Show the extended format. 显示扩展格式

       -d  device         Show the deviceformat.   显示设备格式

      -q   quiet          Do not display some header/footerlines. 不显示头尾行

      -V   show version   Displays version of program. 显示版本


       Address:  start address ofmap  映像起始地址

        Kbytes: size of map in kilobytes  映像大小

       RSS:  resident set size inkilobytes  驻留集大小

       Dirty:  dirty pages (both sharedand private) in kilobytes  脏页大小

       Mode:  permissions on map 映像权限: r=read,w=write, x=execute, s=shared, p=private (copy on write) 

       Mapping:  file backing the map ,or '[ anon ]' for allocated memory, or '[ stack ]' for the program stack.  映像支持文件,[anon]为已分配内存[stack]为程序堆栈

        Offset: offset into the file  文件偏移

       Device:  device name(major:minor)  设备名




[root@C44 ~]#  pmap -d 1

1:  init [5]                   

Address  Kbytes Mode  Offset           Device    Mapping

00934000      88 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005ld-2.3.4.so

0094a000       4 r---- 0000000000015000 008:00005ld-2.3.4.so

0094b000       4 rw--- 0000000000016000 008:00005ld-2.3.4.so

0094e000   1188 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005 libc-2.3.4.so

00a77000       8 r---- 0000000000129000 008:00005libc-2.3.4.so

00a79000       8 rw--- 000000000012b000 008:00005libc-2.3.4.so

00a7b000       8 rw--- 0000000000a7b000 000:00000   [ anon ]

00a85000      52 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005libsepol.so.1

00a92000       4 rw--- 000000000000c000 008:00005libsepol.so.1

00a93000      32 rw--- 0000000000a93000 000:00000   [ anon ]

00d9d000      52 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005libselinux.so.1

00daa000       4 rw--- 000000000000d000 008:00005libselinux.so.1

08048000      28 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005 init

0804f000       4 rw--- 0000000000007000 008:00005 init

084e1000    132 rw--- 00000000084e1000 000:00000  [ anon ]

b7f5d000       8 rw--- 00000000b7f5d000 000:00000   [ anon ]

bffee000      72 rw--- 00000000bffee000 000:00000   [ stack ]

ffffe000       4 ----- 0000000000000000 000:00000   [ anon ]

mapped: 1700K    writeable/private: 276K    shared: 0K

[root@C44 ~]# 



mapped 表示该进程映射的虚拟地址空间大小,也就是该进程预先分配的虚拟内存大小,即ps出的vsz(见《ps命令,性能监控,grep命令》)

writeable/private  表示进程所占用的私有地址空间大小,也就是该进程实际使用的内存大小     

shared 表示进程和其他进程共享的内存大小



[root@C44 ~]#  pmap -d -q 1

1:  init [5]                   

00934000      88 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005ld-2.3.4.so

0094a000       4 r---- 0000000000015000 008:00005ld-2.3.4.so

0094b000       4 rw--- 0000000000016000 008:00005ld-2.3.4.so

0094e000   1188 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005 libc-2.3.4.so

00a77000       8 r---- 0000000000129000 008:00005libc-2.3.4.so

00a79000       8 rw--- 000000000012b000 008:00005libc-2.3.4.so

00a7b000       8 rw--- 0000000000a7b000 000:00000   [ anon ]

00a85000      52 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005libsepol.so.1

00a92000       4 rw--- 000000000000c000 008:00005libsepol.so.1

00a93000      32 rw--- 0000000000a93000 000:00000   [ anon ]

00d9d000      52 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005libselinux.so.1

00daa000       4 rw--- 000000000000d000 008:00005libselinux.so.1

08048000      28 r-x-- 0000000000000000 008:00005 init

0804f000      4 rw--- 0000000000007000008:00005 init

084e1000    132 rw--- 00000000084e1000 000:00000  [ anon ]

b7f5d000       8 rw--- 00000000b7f5d000 000:00000   [ anon ]

bffee000      72 rw--- 00000000bffee000 000:00000   [ stack ]

ffffe000       4 ----- 0000000000000000 000:00000   [ anon ]

[root@C44 ~]# 



[root@C44 ~]#  pmap -x 1

1:  init [5]                   

Address  Kbytes     RSS    Anon Locked Mode   Mapping

00934000      88      -       -       - r-x-- ld-2.3.4.so

0094a000       4      -       -       - r---- ld-2.3.4.so

0094b000       4      -       -       - rw--- ld-2.3.4.so

0094e000   1188       -       -      - r-x--  libc-2.3.4.so

00a77000       8      -       -       - r---- libc-2.3.4.so

00a79000       8      -       -       - rw--- libc-2.3.4.so

00a7b000       8      -       -       - rw---    [ anon ]

00a85000      52      -       -       - r-x-- libsepol.so.1

00a92000       4      -       -       - rw--- libsepol.so.1

00a93000     32       -      -       - rw---    [ anon ]

00d9d000      52      -       -       - r-x-- libselinux.so.1

00daa000       4      -       -       - rw--- libselinux.so.1

08048000      28      -       -       - r-x-- init

0804f000       4      -       -      - rw---  init

084e1000    132       -       -      - rw---    [ anon ]

b7f5d000       8      -       -       - rw---    [ anon ]

bffee000      72      -       -       - rw---    [ stack ]

ffffe000       4      -       -       - -----    [ anon ]

-------- ------- ------- ------- -------

total kB   1700       -       -      -

[root@C44 ~]# 



[root@C44 ~]#  while true; do pmap -d  3066 | tail -1; sleep 2; done

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K

mapped: 5412K    writeable/private: 2028K    shared: 0K



bash-3.2$ while true; do pmap -ax 27835 | grep heap; sleep 10; done 
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   24576   24576   24576       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   28672   28672   28672       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   32768   32768   32768       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   36864   36864   36864       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   40960   40960   40960       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   45056   45056   45056       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   45056   45056   45056       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   49152   49152   49152       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   53248   53248   53248       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   57344   57344   57344       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   61440   61440   61440       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   65536   65536   65536       - rwx--    [ heap ]
0002C000      16      16      16       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00030000    3904    3904    3904       - rwx--    [ heap ]
00400000   65536   65536   65536       - rwx--    [ heap ]


pmap -x 22587 | sort -n -k3 >duiwai.txt