

OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ lets you tune optimizer behavior for access path selection to be more or less index friendly—that is, to make the optimizer more or less prone to selecting an index access path over a full table scan.

The default for this parameter is 100 percent, at which the optimizer evaluates(评估) index access paths at the regular cost. Any other value makes the optimizer evaluate the access path at that percentage of the regular cost. For example, a setting of 50 makes the index access path look half as expensive as normal.




​SQL> ​​​​create​​ ​​table​​ ​​t_xifenfei​

​2  ​​​​as​

​3   ​​​​select​​ ​​object_id,object_name ​​​​from​​ ​​dba_objects ​​​​where​​ ​​rownum<101;​


​Table​​ ​​created.​


​SQL> ​​​​create​​ ​​index​​ ​​ind_t_xifenfei ​​​​on​​ ​​t_xifenfei(object_id);​


​Index​​ ​​created.​


​SQL> ​​​​EXEC​​ ​​DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(​​​​user​​​​,​​​​'T_XIFENFEI'​​​​,​​​​CASCADE​​​​=>​​​​TRUE​​​​);​


​PL/SQL ​​​​procedure​​ ​​successfully completed.​


​SQL>  show parameter OPTIMIZER_INDEX;​


​NAME​​                                 ​​TYPE                   VALUE​

​------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------​

​optimizer_index_caching              ​​​​integer​​                ​​0​

​optimizer_index_cost_adj             ​​​​integer​​                ​​100​


​SQL> ​​​​set​​ ​​linesize 150​

​SQL> ​​​​set​​ ​​autot trace ext​

​SQL> ​​​​select​​ ​​object_name ​​​​from​​ ​​t_xifenfei ​​​​where​​ ​​object_id>100;​



​Execution Plan​


​Plan hash value: 2444553208​



​| Id  | Operation                   | ​​​​Name​​           ​​| ​​​​Rows​​  ​​| Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| ​​​​Time​​     ​​|​


​|   0 | ​​​​SELECT​​ ​​STATEMENT            |                |     1 |    11 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |​

​|   1 |  ​​​​TABLE​​ ​​ACCESS ​​​​BY​​ ​​INDEX​​ ​​ROWID| T_XIFENFEI     |     1 |    11 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |​

​|*  2 |   ​​​​INDEX​​ ​​RANGE SCAN          | IND_T_XIFENFEI |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |​



​Predicate Information (identified ​​​​by​​ ​​operation id):​



​2 - access(​​​​"OBJECT_ID"​​​​>100)​


​SQL> ​​​​alter​​ ​​session ​​​​set​​ ​​OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=1000;​


​Session altered.​


​SQL> ​​​​select​​ ​​object_name ​​​​from​​ ​​t_xifenfei ​​​​where​​ ​​object_id>100;​


​Execution Plan​


​Plan hash value: 548923532​



​| Id  | Operation         | ​​​​Name​​       ​​| ​​​​Rows​​  ​​| Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| ​​​​Time​​     ​​|​


​|   0 | ​​​​SELECT​​ ​​STATEMENT  |            |     1 |    11 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |​

​|*  1 |  ​​​​TABLE​​ ​​ACCESS ​​​​FULL​​​​| T_XIFENFEI |     1 |    11 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |​



​Predicate Information (identified ​​​​by​​ ​​operation id):​



​1 - filter(​​​​"OBJECT_ID"​​​​>100)​




OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING lets you adjust the behavior of cost-based optimization to favor nested loops joins and IN-list iterators.The cost of executing an index using an IN-list iterator or of executing a nested loops join when an index is used to access the inner table depends on the caching of that index in the buffer cache. The amount of caching depends on factors that the optimizer cannot predict, such as the load on the system and the block access patterns of different users.You can modify the optimizer’s assumptions about index caching for nested loops joins and IN-list iterators by setting this parameter to a value between 0 and 100 to indicate the percentage of the index blocks the optimizer should assume are in the cache. Setting this parameter to a higher value makes nested loops joins and IN-list iterators look less expensive to the optimizer. As a result, it will be more likely to pick nested loops joins over hash or sort-merge joins and to pick indexes using IN-list iterators over other indexes or full table scans. The default for this parameter is 0, which results in default optimizer behavior.

这个表明的是在nested loops joins and IN-list iterators的时候,如果使用了OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING参数,表明两个表关联的时候优化器考虑index cache的比例,从而选择不同的执行计划.而不是网上所说的优化器考虑所有情况下的index的cache情况(这个参数只有在nested loops joins and IN-list iterators表关联的时候的index才会被优化器考虑[index cache的比例]).进一步说明:这个参数影响两个表关联的时候是选择hash jion还是nested loops joins/sort-merge joins。


可以使用 OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING参数告诉oracle能够在缓冲区高速缓存中找到的索引块的平均百分比,0默认值使oracle 认为高速缓存中没有索引块。最大值100使oracle认为高速缓存中具有所有索引块。所要使用的值很难精确指定,但它一定是0到100之间的某个值。你可能希望用接近于高速缓存命中率的某个值作为开始,然后不断调整看其对系统的作用如何。



OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING = 0 和  OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ = 100 的默认设置。它们一般适合与许多数据仓库/报表系统。