LINQ to DataSet需要使用System.Core.dll、System.Data.dll和System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll,在项目中添加引用System.Data和System.Data.DataSetExtensions。

1. DataTable读取列表

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// 省略ds的Fill代码
DataTable products = ds.Tables["Product"];
IEnumerable<DataRow> rows = from p in products.AsEnumerable()
select p;
foreach (DataRow row in rows)

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// 省略ds的Fill代码
DataTable products = ds.Tables["Product"];
var rows = products.AsEnumerable()
.Select(p => new
ProductID = p.Field<int>("ProductID"),
ProductName = p.Field<string>("ProductName"),
UnitPrice = p.Field<decimal>("UnitPrice")
foreach (var row in rows)

var products = ds.Tables["Product"].AsEnumerable();
var query = from p in products
select p.Field<string>("ProductName");

2. DataTable查询

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var rows = products.AsEnumerable()
.Where(p => p.Field<decimal>("UnitPrice") > 10m)
.Select(p => new
ProductID = p.Field<int>("ProductID"),
ProductName = p.Field<string>("ProductName"),
UnitPrice = p.Field<decimal>("UnitPrice")

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

3. DataTable数据排序

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var rows = products.AsEnumerable()
.Where(p => p.Field<decimal>("UnitPrice") > 10m)
.OrderBy(p => p.Field<int>("SortOrder"))
.Select(p => new
ProductID = p.Field<int>("ProductID"),
ProductName = p.Field<string>("ProductName"),
UnitPrice = p.Field<decimal>("UnitPrice")

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var expr = from p in products.AsEnumerable()
orderby p.Field<int>("SortOrder")
select p;
IEnumerable<DataRow> rows = expr.ToArray();
foreach (var row in rows)

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var expr = from p in ds.Tables["Product"].AsEnumerable()
orderby p.Field<int>("SortOrder"), p.Field<string>("ProductName") descending
select p;

4. 多个DataTable查询

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var query = from p in ds.Tables["Product"].AsEnumerable()
from c in ds.Tables["Category"].AsEnumerable()
where p.Field<int>("CategoryID") == c.Field<int>("CategoryID")
&& p.Field<decimal>("UnitPrice") > 10m
select new
ProductID = p.Field<int>("ProductID"),
ProductName = p.Field<string>("ProductName"),
CategoryName = c.Field<string>("CategoryName")

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

5. DataTable分组

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var query = from p in ds.Tables["Product"].AsEnumerable()
group p by p.Field<int>("CategoryID") into g
select new
CategoryID = g.Key,
Products = g

foreach (var item in query)
foreach (var p in item.Products)

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro


LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

var expr = from p in ds.Tables["Product"].AsEnumerable()
group p by p.Field<int>("CategoryID") into g
select new
CategoryID = g.Key,
ProductsCount = g.Count()

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro

LINQ to DataSet的DataTable操作_taro




DataTable newDt = query1.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();

var query1 =

    from stu in dtStu.AsEnumerable()

    from score in dtScore.AsEnumerable()

    where stu.Field<int>("ScoreID") == score.Field<int>("ScoreID")

    where (int)stu["Age"] > 20

    select stu;


DataTable newDt = query1.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();

 foreach (var item in newDt.AsEnumerable())  


