Don 't   use   BSTR,   use   ATL 's   _bstr_t   or   MFC 's   CComBSTR   instead   to   avoid   memory   leak.

Here   is   why:

Case   1   with   memory   leak:

line   1:   BSTR   Bstr;

line   2:   pSomeObject-> Get_SomeString(   &Bstr   );

line   3:   _bstr_t   AtlBstr;

line   4:   AtlBstr   =   Bstr;       //   Memory   leak   here!!!

In   line   1,   when   Bstr   is   declared   and   initialized,   a   call   to   SysAllocString   is   automatically   made   when   creating   the   Bstr   variable,   but   it   is   never   freed   later,   so   it   causes   memory   leak.

Case   2   without   memory   leak:   (Solution   1)

line   1:   BSTR   Bstr;

line   2:   pSomeObject-> Get_SomeString(   &Bstr   );

line   3:   _bstr_t   AtlBstr(   Bstr,   FALSE   );   //   avoid   a   memory   leak

(Solution   2)

line   1:   BSTR   Bstr;

line   2:   pSomeObject-> Get_SomeString(   &Bstr   );

line   3:   _bstr_t   AtlBstr;

line   4:   AtlBstr   =   Bstr;  

line   5:   ::SysFreeString(   Bstr   );   //   free   that   memory.



最重要的要理解一点,使用BSTR就象使用 c语言中的内存指针一样,分配了,必须在合适的地方释放 





