sync.c:(.text.sync_main+0x7c): undefined reference to `syncfs'



nsenter.c:(.text.nsenter_main+0x1b0): undefined reference to `setns'
Linux System Utilities—>nsenter,去掉该选项

mkdir dev etc lib mnt proc sys tmp var
cd etc
  vi eth0-setting
  chmod 755 eth0-setting
  mkdir init.d
  cd init.d
    vi ifconfig-eth0
    chmod 755 ifconfig-eth0
    vi rcS
    chmod 755 rcS
    cd ..
  vi passwd
  chmod 755 passwd
  vi profile
  chmod 755 profile
  mkdir rc.d
  cd rc.d
    mkdir init.d
    cd init.d
      vi netd
      chmod 755 netd
      cd ../../
  cd ..
cd var
  mkdir lib lock log run tmp
