Eating out

What do you think of Haidilao hot pot

Kung Pao Chicken

roast Beijing duck  

Chop bell pepper fish head 剁椒鱼头

Yuxiang shredded pork 鱼香肉丝

Buddha Jumping Over the Wall  佛跳墙

instant boiled sliced mutton
What is your favorite chinese food
Maybe you can come to China to taste Chinese food。haha

You can come to China to taste Chinese food



talked about food we like and don't like

used verbs and adjectives related to food experiences

Described some of our food experiences

Described dished that you've cooked

Described your perceptions of food from another country

Say how it tastes,smell,looks and feels.

Please introduce yourself:

My name is teacher Elly. I am from South Africa.

Welcome to my class

  1. Your name

  2. Where you from?

  3. Hobbies


seafood in menu

seafood in my menu

I prefer vegetables more than meat


If I have my restaurant. 

(If I had my own restaurant )

 chop bell pepper fish head


It will be a western restaurant

T-bone steak

some potato

(some potatoes)

several kinds of salads

some drink(s)

some wine(s)


McDonald corporation

(fast food) restaurant is convenient 

delicious but easy to make

apple pie

Jifu (Ivan)

order food all over the world


when you break

The fish smelled delicious/ 

The fish looked fresh


How was the dinner?

How was your dinner?

How about the vegetables, are fresh? were they fresh?

We had dinner 

Hotpot is my favour

Hotpot is my favourite

Hotpot is very smelly and very fresh


I think the fish is a little unfresh (stale), overcooked

I think vegetable for dinner maybe healthy.

I think having/ eating vegetables for dinner is healthy.


How was the dinner yesterday.

How was your dinner yesterday

What was the favourite food you ate

I had noodle(s) yesterday for dinner, with some vegetables, fresh shrimp

It taste delicious and healthy

It tasted delicious and healthy

The food is delicious

The food was delicious

Maybe the mushroom soup is (was) not fresh 

dessert (pr) , apple pie, ice-cream


What kind of dishes (did) you eat



ordered soup

the soup taste(d) fresh, sour and a little salty