To illustrate the radix sort algorithm we will sort the sequence S0 = {32, 100, 11, 554, 626, 122, 87, 963, 265, 108, 9}. We start by distributing elements of S0 by the value of 0-place digit (the one's place):

bucket 0:  100

bucket 1:  11

bucket 2:  32, 122

bucket 3:  963

bucket 4:  554

bucket 5:  265

bucket 6:  626

bucket 7:  87

bucket 8:  108

bucket 9:  9

Stitch the bucket lists to create S1 = {100, 11, 32, 122, 963, 554, 265, 626, 87, 108, 9}. Distribute elements of S1 by the value of 1-place digit (the ten's place):

bucket 0: 100, 108, 9

bucket 1: 11

bucket 2: 122, 626

bucket 3: 32

bucket 4:

bucket 5: 554

bucket 6: 963, 265

bucket 7:

bucket 8: 87

bucket 9:

Stitch the bucket lists to create S2 = {100, 108, 9, 11, 122, 626, 32, 554, 963, 265, 87}. Distribute elements of S2 by the value of 2-place digit (the hundred's place):

bucket 0: 9, 11, 32, 87

bucket 1: 100, 108, 122

bucket 2: 265

bucket 3:

bucket 4:

bucket 5: 554

bucket 6: 626

bucket 7:

bucket 8:

bucket 9: 963

Stitch the bucket lists to create S3 = {9, 11, 32, 87, 100, 108, 122, 265, 554, 626, 963}. The list is sorted.