1. 简介

  The MDIO interface is a simple, two-wire, serial interface to connect a management entity and a managed PHY for the purposes of controlling the PHY and gathering status from the PHY.

   The two lines include the MDC line [Management Data Clock], and the MDIO line [Management Data Input/Output]. The clock is point-to-point, while the data line is a bi-directional multi-drop interface.

   The data line is Tri-state able and can drive 32 devices.



    * Preamle(PRE)       在没有传输数据的空闲状态时,数据线MDIO处于高阻态(一直为1)。

    * Start of Frame(ST) MAC驱动MDIO线,出现一个2bit的开始标识码(01)。

    * Operation Code(OP) MAC驱动MDIO线,出现一个2bit数据来标识是读操作(10)还是写操作(01)。

    * PHY Address(PHYAD) MAC驱动MDIO线,出现一个5bit数据标识PHY的地址。

    * Reg Address(REGAD) MAC驱动MDIO线,出现一个5bitPHY寄存器地址。

    * Turnaround(TA)     写操作的话,MAC驱动MDIO线,出现10

                         读操作的话,MDIO pin of MAC must be put in high-impedance state


    * Data               MDIO串行读出/写入16bit的寄存器数据。

    * MDIO恢复成空闲状态,同时MDIO进入高阻状态。

    下面是PHY芯片 BCM5461 的一个例子:

2. PowerPC对MDIO的支持


MIIMCFG  配置寄存器

MIIMCOM  命令寄存器

MIIMADD  地址寄存器

MIIMCON  控制寄存器


MIIMIND  指示寄存器


2.1 MIIMCFG:配置寄存器

ResetMgmt:   用于重置MDIO模块

MgmtClockSet:时钟设置,是CCB的 2的n次方之一

2.2 MIIMCOM  命令寄存器

ReadCycle: 0->1 触发MDIO读时序

2.3 MIIMADD  地址寄存器


REGaddr:寄存器地址,共5bit,一个PHY上最多32个寄存器地址(可以使用shadow value技术,访问更多的寄存器)

2.4 MIIMCON  控制寄存器


2.5 MIIMSTAT 状态寄存器

PHYstatus:读流程时,PHY reg的内容会放到此

2.6 MIIMIND  指示寄存器


Scan:  若置1,表示扫描流程进行中

Busy:  只有置0时,才能进行新的读写流程

3. linux中MDIO的实现




int gfar_local_mdio_read(struct gfar_mii *regs, int mii_id, int regnum)

int gfar_local_mdio_write(struct gfar_mii *regs, int mii_id, int regnum, u16 value)


  1. struct gfar_mii {
  2.     u32 miimcfg; /* 0x.520 - MII Management Config Register */
  3.     u32 miimcom; /* 0x.524 - MII Management Command Register */
  4.     u32 miimadd; /* 0x.528 - MII Management Address Register */
  5.     u32 miimcon; /* 0x.52c - MII Management Control Register */
  6.     u32 miimstat; /* 0x.530 - MII Management Status Register */
  7.     u32 miimind; /* 0x.534 - MII Management Indicator Register */
  8. };




  1. int gfar_local_mdio_read(struct gfar_mii *regs, int mii_id, int regnum)

  2. {
  3.     u16 value;

  4.     /* Set the PHY address and the register address we want to read */
  5.     gfar_write(&regs->miimadd, (mii_id << 8) | regnum);

  6.     /* Clear miimcom, and then initiate a read */
  7.     gfar_write(&regs->miimcom, 0);
  8.     gfar_write(&regs->miimcom, MII_READ_COMMAND);

  9.     /* Wait for the transaction to finish */
  10.     while (gfar_read(&regs->miimind) & (MIIMIND_NOTVALID | MIIMIND_BUSY))
  11.         cpu_relax();

  12.     /* Grab the value of the register from miimstat */
  13.     value = gfar_read(&regs->miimstat);

  14.     return value;
  15. }

  1. int gfar_local_mdio_write(struct gfar_mii *regs, int mii_id,
  2.               int regnum, u16 value)
  3. {
  4.     /* Set the PHY address and the register address we want to write */
  5.     gfar_write(&regs->miimadd, (mii_id << 8) | regnum);

  6.     /* Write out the value we want */
  7.     gfar_write(&regs->miimcon, value);

  8.     /* Wait for the transaction to finish */
  9.     while (gfar_read(&regs->miimind) & MIIMIND_BUSY)
  10.         cpu_relax();

  11.     return 0;
  12. }