开启My Site功能时, 遇到如下错误.

Your personal site cannot be created because the managed path "personal" has not been created for this site. Contact your site administrator for more information.


添加personal这个managed path.

SharePoint 2010中创建My Site时遇到的两个错误_参考资料


解决第一个后, 遇到第二个错误:

Your personal site cannot be created because Self-Service Site Creation is not enabled. Contact your site administrator for more information.


选中My Site Host所在的web application, 点击Ribbon上的Self-Service Site Creation按钮.

SharePoint 2010中创建My Site时遇到的两个错误_参考资料_02

SharePoint 2010中创建My Site时遇到的两个错误_参考资料_03


My Site可以建立了.

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