1. Item 20 in this catalogue is withdrawn until further notice, due to supply problems.


A. Item 20 is now discontinued.(第20项产品现在停产)

B. Item 20 has developed a fault.(第20项产品出现错误)

C. Item 20 is unavailable at the moment.(第20项产品目前没有货)


Item20: 第20项产品


is withdrawn: 被撤回

further: 进一步的


2. Jane Halton, currently Finance Director at Curtis Bank, is replacing John Murphy as Chief Executive at Boulder Insurance

简•霍尔顿(Jane Halton)目前是柯蒂斯银行(Curtis Bank)的财务总监,她将接替约翰•墨菲(John Murphy)出任博尔德保险(Boulder Insurance)的首席执行长

A. Jane Halton is moving from banking to insurance.  简·霍顿从银行业转到保险业

B. Boulder Insurance hopes to appoint a new Chief Executive.  博尔德保险希望任命一位新的首席执行官。

C. The post of Chief Executive at Curtis Bank has become vacant.  柯蒂斯银行首席执行官的职位出现了空缺。


Finance Director:财务总监  finance: 金融,财务  director: 导演,主管,总监

is replacing: 将接替

appoint: 任命

Chief Executive: 首席执行官  chief: 首席,领袖  Executive:执行;有执行权的



3. The London Centre

for your meeting, product launch, special event  你的会议,产品发布会,特别活动

· Purpose-built rooms  专门的房间    purpose-built: 为特定目的建造的, 专用

· Latest presentation technology  最新的显示技术  presentation:演讲,展示

· First-class food  一流的食品

This organisation  这个组织

A. rents luxury office space.  租用豪华办公空间。  luxury[ˈlʌkʃəri]:奢侈的,豪华的

B. provides conference facilities.  提供会议设施。  conference:会议  facilities(facility[fəˈsɪləti]):设施

C. markets other companies' goods.  销售其他公司的产品。



Agent required for nationwide distribution.  全国分销所需的代理商  agent:代理  distribution: 分销

Some experience in food retail an advange.  有食品零售经验者优先    retail:零售

Refrigerated van provided.  提供冷藏车  refrigerate: [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪt] 冷藏  van:厢式货车

FineFoods requires an agent to   FineFoods需要一个代理:

A. own a suitable vehicle for delivery.  拥有一辆合适的运输工具  delivery:n. 传送,运输

B. be a specialist in food distribution.  成为食品配送专家

C. deliver goods all over the country.  把货物运到全国各地  deliver:v. 传送


5. To: All Staff


subject: Accounts Course  科目:会计课程

Staff wishing to enrol for the Accounts course should contact Jane Fellows, who needs to know numbers.  希望报读会计课程的员工应联系Jane Fellows,她需要知道数字。

Staff should tell Jane Fellows

A. how many people have enrolled for the course.  有多少人报名参加了这门课程

B. if they are interested in doing the course.

C. which of the courses they have decided to do.

enrol:  [ɪnˈrəʊl] 登记,注册  have enrolled: 报名,报名的人