Netperf是一种网络性能的测量工具,主要针对基于TCP或UDP的传输。Netperf根据应用的不同,可以进行不同模式的网络性能测试,即批量数据传输(bulk data transfer)模式和请求/应答(request/reponse)模式。




  1. 下载安装Netperf工具
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# wget

  1. 安装依赖包gcc cc
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# yum install gcc cc -y

  1. 解压安装
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# tar -zxvf netperf-2.7.0.tar.gz
[root@xiesshavip001 netperf-2.7.0]# ./configure
[root@xiesshavip001 netperf-2.7.0]# make && make install



-H host :指定远端运行netserver的server IP地址。
-l testlen:指定测试的时间长度(秒)
-s size 设置本地系统的socket发送与接收缓冲大小
-S size 设置远端系统的socket发送与接收缓冲大小
-m size 设置本地系统发送测试分组的大小
-M size 设置远端系统接收测试分组的大小
-D 对本地与远端系统的socket设置TCP_NODELAY选项

netperf 网络测试

  1. TCP_STREAM Netperf缺省情况下进行TCP批量传输,即-t TCP_STREAM。测试过程中,netperf向netserver发送批量的TCP数据分组,以确定数据传输过程中的吞吐量:
[root@xiesshavip002 ~]# netserver  # 服务端启动netserver 服务
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' and family AF_UNSPEC
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -H -l 60
MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 60.01 935.66
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -H -l 60 -- -m 10240 # 修改发送的包的大小
MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec

87380 16384 10240 60.02 937.58
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#

  1. UDP_STREAM UDP_STREAM用来测试进行UDP批量传输时的网络性能。注意:此时测试分组的大小不得大于socket的发送与接收缓冲大小,否则netperf会报出错提示:
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -t UDP_STREAM  -H -l 10
MIGRATED UDP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET
Socket Message Elapsed Messages
Size Size Time Okay Errors Throughput
bytes bytes secs # # 10^6bits/sec

212992 65507 10.01 131286 0 6874.75
212992 10.01 1 0.05

[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -t UDP_STREAM -H -l 10 -- -m 300000 # 超过socket的发送与接收缓冲大212992
MIGRATED UDP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET
send_data: data send error: Message too long (errno 90)
netperf: send_omni: send_data failed: Message too long
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#

  1. TCP_RR TCP_RR方式的测试对象是多次TCP request和response的交易过程
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -t TCP_RR -H
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec

16384 87380 1 1 10.00 8228.63
16384 87380
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#


参数             说明
-r req,resp 设置request和reponse分组的大小
-s size 设置本地系统的socket发送与接收缓冲大小
-S size 设置远端系统的socket发送与接收缓冲大小
-D 对本地与远端系统的socket设置TCP_NODELAY选项
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -t TCP_RR -H -- -r 64 64
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec

16384 87380 64 64 10.00 8143.22
16384 87380
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#

  1. TCP_CRR 与TCP_RR不同,TCP_CRR为每次交易建立一个新的TCP连接。
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -t TCP_CRR -H
MIGRATED TCP Connect/Request/Response TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec

16384 87380 1 1 10.00 899.38 # 数值明显比TCP_RR值小
16384 87380
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#

  1. UDP_RR UDP_RR方式使用UDP分组进行request/response的交易过程
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf -t UDP_RR -H
MIGRATED UDP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : first burst 0
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec

212992 212992 1 1 10.00 8425.86
212992 212992
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#

netperf --help

[root@xiesshavip001 ~]# netperf --help
netperf: invalid option -- '-'

Usage: netperf [global options] -- [test options]

Global options:
-a send,recv Set the local send,recv buffer alignment
-A send,recv Set the remote send,recv buffer alignment
-B brandstr Specify a string to be emitted with brief output
-c [cpu_rate] Report local CPU usage
-C [cpu_rate] Report remote CPU usage
-d Increase debugging output
-D time,[units] * Display interim results at least every time interval
using units as the initial guess for units per second
A negative value for time will make heavy use of the
system's timestamping functionality
-f G|M|K|g|m|k Set the output units
-F lfill[,rfill]* Pre-fill buffers with data from specified file
-h Display this text
-H name|ip,fam * Specify the target machine and/or local ip and family
-i max,min Specify the max and min number of iterations (15,1)
-I lvl[,intvl] Specify confidence level (95 or 99) (99)
and confidence interval in percentage (10)
-j Keep additional timing statistics
-l testlen Specify test duration (>0 secs) (<0 bytes|trans)
-L name|ip,fam * Specify the local ip|name and address family
-o send,recv Set the local send,recv buffer offsets
-O send,recv Set the remote send,recv buffer offset
-n numcpu Set the number of processors for CPU util
-N Establish no control connection, do 'send' side only
-p port,lport* Specify netserver port number and/or local port
-P 0|1 Don't/Do display test headers
-r Allow confidence to be hit on result only
-s seconds Wait seconds between test setup and test start
-S Set SO_KEEPALIVE on the data connection
-t testname Specify test to perform
-T lcpu,rcpu Request netperf/netserver be bound to local/remote cpu
-v verbosity Specify the verbosity level
-W send,recv Set the number of send,recv buffers
-v level Set the verbosity level (default 1, min 0)
-V Display the netperf version and exit
-y local,remote Set the socket priority
-Y local,remote Set the IP_TOS. Use hexadecimal.
-Z passphrase Set and pass to netserver a passphrase

For those options taking two parms, at least one must be specified;
specifying one value without a comma will set both parms to that
value, specifying a value with a leading comma will set just the second
parm, a value with a trailing comma will set just the first. To set
each parm to unique values, specify both and separate them with a

* For these options taking two parms, specifying one value with no comma
will only set the first parms and will leave the second at the default
value. To set the second value it must be preceded with a comma or be a
comma-separated pair. This is to retain previous netperf behaviour.
[root@xiesshavip001 ~]#