Weaknesses in Specialized Systems
  • ICS(Industrial Control Systems)
    • Environment conditions
  • SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) -
    • SCADA is the control system that interfaces with industrial processes
    • SCADA is often a turnkey layered software
    • PLC(Programmable Logic Controllers) - PLCs are the electronic boards(s) that power the manufacturer's processes
  • Mobile - lack of updates, compromised settings, dangerous apps, etc.
    • Rooting/Jailbreak a device makes it open to security breaches
    • Beware of mining activities
  • IoT(Internet of Things) - default (weak) security (wide open)
  • Embedded
  • Point-of-sale system
    • Attractive due to connection to payment devices(cash, readers, etc.)
  • Biometrics -accuracy is still evolving
    • What if primary reader fails to detect?
    • What is the manual process? Pressure and urgency is always an aspect of social engineering.
  • Application constrainers
    • Containers and VMs are not foolproof sandboxes
    • Compromising(breaking out) may allow access to external resources
  • RTOS(Real-time operating system)
    • Designed to provide fast, lightweight services, not security.
  • ICS and SCADA systems often lack current security patches

  • Mobile and IoT devices are often configured for convenience over security

  • Any device that handles payments is an attractive target

相信未来 - 该面对的绝不逃避,该执著的永不怨悔,该舍弃的不再留念,该珍惜的好好把握。