*** Settings ***
Documentation 此文件是一个包含可重用的关键字和变量的全局资源文件。
Library Selenium2Library
Library String
Library Collections
Library Tools.py
Library Handle.py
Library Generate.py
Library DateTime
*** Variables ***
################################## URL #########################################################
${URL_HOST} http://prerelease.journal-test.gdqhd.cn/#
${LOGIN_URL} ${URL_HOST}/login
${AFTER_LOGIN_URL} ${URL_HOST}/app/index.html

######################### 用户和浏览器设置 #####################################################
${BROWSER} Chrome
${DELAY} 0
# ${VALID_USER} autotest

######################### 全局变量 #################################################################
### testcase级变量:${RES_NAME}、${SEC_RES_NAME},通过关键字Get Random Name获取 ###
${DOC_BODY_HEIGHT} document.body.scrollHeight

#################################### 栏目 ############################################
${COL_DASHBOARD} //div[text()="仪表盘"]
${COL_THESIS} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"论文库")]
${COL_PERIODICAL} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"期刊库")]
${COL_IMAGE} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"图片库")]
${COL_TABLE} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"表格库")]
${COL_FUND} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"基金库")]
${COL_AUTHOR} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"作者库")]
${COL_EXPERT} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"专家库")]
${COL_ORG} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"机构库")]
${COL_KEYWORD} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"关键词库")]
${COL_VIDEO} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"视频库")]
${COL_AUDIO} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"音频库")]
${COL_DOCUMENT} //div[@class="menuItem" and contains(text(),"文档库")]
${SELECT_XPATH} //*[@id="area"]
${RESOURCE-CENTER} //*[@id="resource-center"]
${UPLOAD_DOCUMENT} //div[@class="btn1 operationBtns" and contains(text(),"上传文档")]
${UPLOAD_AUDIO} //div[@class="btn1 operationBtns" and contains(text(),"上传音频")]
${UPLOAD_VIDEO} //div[@class="btn1 operationBtns" and contains(text(),"上传视频")]
${IMPORT_KEYWORD} //div[@class="operationBtns" and contains(text(),"导入")]
${NEW_KEYWORD} //div[@class="operationBtns newKeyword" and contains(text(),"新建")]
${DELETE_KEYWORD} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]
${DELETE_KEYWORD_CONFIRM} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button[1]/span
${MORNING_GLORY_SPAN} //span[@class="chinese" and contains(text(),"牵牛花")]
${CHINESE_KEYWORD} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/form/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/input
${ENGLISH_KEYWORD} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/form/div[1]/div/div[2]/div/input
${NEW_KEYWORD_CONFIRM} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button[1]/span
${DOCUMENT_NAME} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/form/div[1]/div/div[1]/input
${AUDIO_NAME} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/form/div[1]/div/div/input
${VIDEO_NAME} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/form/div[1]/div/div/input
${KEYWORD_SELECT_FILE} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/button/span
${SELECT_FILE} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/form/div[4]/div/div/div/span
${SELECT_FILE_CONFIRM} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button[1]/span
${AUDIO_SELECT_FILE_CONFIRM} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button[1]/span
${KEYWORD_SELECT_FILE_CONFIRM} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button[1]/span
${TRANSFER_LIST} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/img
${AUDIO_TRANSFER_LIST} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/img
${TRANSFER_LIST_CLOSE} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button/span
${AUDIO_TRANSFER_LIST_CLOSE} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[3]/span/button/span
${SEARCH_INPUT} //*[@id="searchInput"]
${SEARCH_SPAN} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[1]/div/div[3]/span
${AUDIO_SEARCH_SPAN} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[3]/span
${TEST_DOC_TITLE} 测试文档 #测试文档title
${TEST_AUDIO_TITLE} 测试音乐 #测试音乐title
${TEST_VIDEO_TITLE} 测试视频 #测试视频title
${REFRESH_BTN} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/section/header/div[1]/img
${AUDIO_REFRESH_BTN} //*[@id="app"]/div/div/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/img
*** Keywords ***
#################### 登录相关的公用关键字 ################################
Maximize Browser Window2
${system} Get Current System
Run Keyword If '${system}' == 'Windows' Maximize Browser Window
... ELSE log linux

Open Browser To Login Page
[Documentation] 打开浏览器并导航到登录页
Open Browser ${LOGIN_URL} ${BROWSER}
Maximize Browser Window2
Set Selenium Speed ${DELAY}
Page Should Contain 方正学术出版云服务平台

Submit Credentials
[Documentation] 提交登录凭据
Click Element //span[text()="登录"]

Login As Valid User
[Documentation] 以有效用户执行登录操作
Input Text input ${VALID_USER}
Input Text psd ${VALID_PASSWORD}
Submit Credentials
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Page Contains Element resource-center 15s

Open Browser and Login
[Documentation] 打开浏览器并完成有效用户登录
Open Browser To Login Page
Login As Valid User
Wait and Click Element resource-center
Wait Until Page Contains 论文库
Select List Value By Label area 资源-UI自动化测试
Wait Until Element Contains //div[@class="uptodataDepotbox"][1] 资源-UI自动化测试

Open Browser and Login Temporary
[Documentation] 打开浏览器并完成有效用户登录
Open Browser To Login Page
Login As Valid User
Wait Until Page Contains 精修工具下载
:For ${index} IN RANGE 3
\ Set_Browser_Implicit_Wait 10 #隐式等待
\ ${Not_Contain} Run_keyword_and_return_status Page_Should_Not_Contain_Element ${SELECT_XPATH}
\ Run_keyword_if '${Not_Contain}'=='True' Reload Page
Select From List By Label ${SELECT_XPATH} 资源中心-测试
Wait Until Element Contains //*[@id="select2-area-container"] 资源中心-测试

Select Resource Center
Wait and Click Element ${RESOURCE-CENTER}
Wait Until Page Contains 仪表盘

Open Browser and LoginEX
[Documentation] 打开浏览器并完成有效用户登录扩展
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
Open Browser To Login Page
Login As Valid UserEX ${username} ${password}

Login As Valid UserEX
[Documentation] 以有效用户执行登录操作扩展
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
Wait Until Element Is Visible input
Input Text input ${username}
Input Text psd ${password}
Submit Credentials
Current Frame Contains 自动测试

####################### 页面操作相关的公用关键字 ################################################
Wait For Page Ready
[Documentation] 等待页面元素加载完成
Sleep 0.5s
# Wait For Condition return $.active == 0;

Go To Blank
Go To about:blank
Sleep 1s

Go To Ref Page
[Documentation] 根据url跳转到新的页面
[Arguments] ${url} ${text}=${EMPTY}
Go To Blank
Go To ${url}
Wait For Page Ready
Run Keyword Unless '${text}' == '${EMPTY}' Wait Until Page Contains ${text} 10s

Link Should Be Ref Column
[Documentation] 链接应该是一个栏目
[Arguments] ${first_column} ${text}=${EMPTY}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${first_column}
Wait and Click Element ${first_column}
Wait Until Page Contains ${text}

Close Popup Window
[Documentation] 通过页面右上角的叉号关闭弹出窗口
Sleep 1s
Execute Javascript var a=document.getElementsByClassName("layui-layer-ico layui-layer-close layui-layer-close1");a[0].click();
Sleep 1s
# Execute Javascript layer.close(layer.index)

Close Prompt Box
[Documentation] 关闭页面弹出的确定提示框
[Arguments] ${chkPoint}=${EMPTY}
Wait and Click Element ${SYS_SAVE}
Run Keyword Unless '${chkPoint}'=='${EMPTY}' Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${chkPoint}

Close Popup Window and Prompt Box
[Documentation] 通过页面右上角的叉号关闭页面及弹出的确定提示框
[Arguments] ${chkPoint}=${EMPTY}
Close Popup Window
Close Prompt Box

Link Should Be New Page
[Documentation] 链接应该跳转到新的页面
[Arguments] ${locator} ${chkPoint}=${EMPTY}
Wait and Click Element ${locator}
Select Current Window
Run Keyword Unless '${chkPoint}'=='${EMPTY}' New Page Should Contain ${chkPoint}

New Page Should Contain
[Arguments] ${chkPoint}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Page Contains ${chkPoint}
Run Keyword If '${status}'=='False' Run Keywords Reload Page AND Wait Until Page Contains ${chkPoint}

Select Current Window
Select Window new

Close New Page
[Documentation] 关闭新打开的页面
Close Window
Select Window
Sleep 1s

Close Multi New Page
Close New Page
Select Current Window
Close New Page

Wait Until Shade Is Not Visible
[Documentation] 等待直到遮罩消失
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${SHADE_LAYER} 7s

Drag Scrollbar Down
[Documentation] 竖向滚动条滚动到最下方
[Arguments] ${locator}
# Execute Javascript document.body.scrollTop = 2000
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${locator}
Sleep 1s
Execute Javascript document.getElementById('${locator}').scrollTop=10000

Drag Page Scrollbar Down
[Documentation] 根据指定距离,拖动竖向滚动条。默认拖动到底部
[Arguments] ${scroll_height}=${DOC_BODY_HEIGHT}
Execute Javascript window.scrollTo(0,${scroll_height})
Sleep 0.5s

Select Resource Filter
[Documentation] 选择资源列表过滤器
[Arguments] ${status}
Select List Value By Label ${STATUS_FILTER} ${status}

Select Resource Item From List
[Documentation] 列表方式下选择资源列表项,列表项从1开始
[Arguments] ${row}
${actual_row} Evaluate ${row}-1
# Set Suite Variable ${ACTUAL_ROW} ${actual_row}
Wait and Select Checkbox xpath=//input[@name="btSelectItem" and @data-index="${actual_row}"]

Select Resource Item From PicList
[Documentation] 图文平铺方式下选择资源列表项,列表项从1开始
[Arguments] ${row}
${resCount}= Get Matching Xpath Count xpath=//a[@class="img"]
Run Keyword If ${resCount}>1 Wait and Click Link xpath=//*[@id="resPicList"]/ul/li[${row}]/div[2]/a
Run Keyword If ${resCount}==1 Wait and Click Link ${PICLIST_SINGLEIMG_RESOURCE}

Select Resource By Name From List
[Documentation] 列表方式下通过资源名称选中资源
[Arguments] ${name}=${RES_NAME}
Wait and Select Checkbox //*[@id="resList"]//a[@title="${name}"]/ancestor::tr//input

Select Resource By Name From PicList
[Documentation] 图文平铺方式下通过资源名称选中资源
[Arguments] ${name}=${RES_NAME}
Wait and Click Element //*[@id="resPicList"]//a[@class="img" and @title="${name}"]

Open Resource Item From List
[Documentation] 列表方式下打开资源项,列表项从1开始
[Arguments] ${row}
${resCount}= Get Matching Xpath Count xpath=//*[@id="resList"]/tbody/tr
Run Keyword If ${resCount}>1 Link Should Be New Page //*[@id="resList"]/tbody/tr[${row}]/td[4]/a
Run Keyword If ${resCount}==1 Link Should Be New Page ${LIST_SINGLE_RESOURCE}

Open Resource Item From PicList
[Documentation] 图文平铺方式下打开资源项,列表项从1开始
[Arguments] ${row}
${resCount}= Get Matching Xpath Count xpath=//a[@class="img"]
Run Keyword If ${resCount}>1 Link Should Be New Page xpath=//*[@id="resPicList"]/ul/li[${row}]/p/a
Run Keyword If ${resCount}==1 Link Should Be New Page ${PICLIST_SINGLE_RESOURCE}

Open Detail By Name From List
[Documentation] 列表方式下打开资源详情页
[Arguments] ${name}=${RES_NAME}
Link Should Be New Page //*[@id="resList"]//a[@title="${name}"]

Open Detail By Name From PicList
[Documentation] 图文平铺方式下打开资源详情页
[Arguments] ${name}=${RES_NAME}
Link Should Be New Page //*[@id="resPicList"]//a[@ng-click="openDetail(doc.DocID)" and @title="${name}"]

Wait Until Toolbar Ready
[Documentation] 等待直到工具栏刷新完成(后续将根据开发新增的页面属性进行判断)
[Arguments] ${locator}
Sleep 0.5s
Wait Until Page Contains Element real_${locator}
Sleep 0.5s

Wait Until Toast Closed
[Documentation] 等待直到toast提示框关闭
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Page Contains ${locator}
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain ${locator}

Switch List Mode
[Documentation] 切换列表显示方式:列表方式、图文平铺方式
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait and Click Element ${locator}

Link Should Be Download
[Documentation] 链接应该是一个可下载的资源
[Arguments] ${locator}
${ref}= Get Element Attribute ${locator}@href
Should Contain Any ${ref} .zip .rar .exe .docx .doc

####################### 基本操作相关的公用关键字 ###############################################
Click Toolbar Button
[Documentation] 单击操作区中的按钮
[Arguments] ${locator}
Sleep 2s
Wait and Click Link ${locator}

Click Toolbar Button In Menu
[Documentation] 单击操作区更多菜单中的按钮
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${locator}
Sleep 1s
Execute Javascript $("#${locator}").click()
Wait For Page Ready

Select Resource Categories
[Documentation] 选择分类树中的分类值
[Arguments] ${locator} ${frame_locator}=${EMPTY}
# Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' UnSelect Frame
Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' Wait and Select Frame ${frame_locator}
# Wait and Double Click Element ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Click Element ${locator}
Click Element //input[@value="选择"]
Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' UnSelect Frame

Select Date
[Documentation] 选择时间控件中的值
[Arguments] ${year_month} ${date} ${frame_locator}=${EMPTY}
Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' Wait and Select Frame ${frame_locator}
Click Element ${year_month}
Click Element ${date}
Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' UnSelect Frame

Select Date For Today
[Documentation] 选择时间控件中的“今天”
[Arguments] ${locator} ${frame_locator}=${EMPTY}
Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' Wait and Select Frame ${frame_locator}
Click Element ${locator}
Run Keyword Unless '${frame_locator}'=='${EMPTY}' UnSelect Frame

Click Save Button
[Documentation] 单击保存按钮
[Arguments] ${locator}
Sleep 0.5s
Wait and Click Element ${locator}

Click Cancel Button
[Documentation] 单击取消按钮
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait and Click Element ${locator}

Click Next Step Button
[Documentation] 单击下一步按钮
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait and Click Element ${locator}

Click Previous Step Button
[Documentation] 单击上一步按钮
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait and Click Element ${locator}

Click Upload Button
[Documentation] 单击单个文件上传按钮
[Arguments] ${upload_file}
Wait and Click Link ${upload_file}

Click Batch Upload Button
[Documentation] 单击批量文件上传按钮
[Arguments] ${batch_upload}
Wait and Click Link ${batch_upload}

Click SelectAll CheckBox
[Documentation] 单击选择全部复选框
[Arguments] ${selectall_locator}
Wait and Select Checkbox ${selectall_locator}

Click Search Button
[Arguments] ${search}
Wait and Click Link ${search}

Select Search Type By Label
[Documentation] 通过标签选择检索类别
[Arguments] ${locator} ${label}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Select From List By label ${locator} ${label}

Select Search Type By Index
[Documentation] 通过标签选择检索类别
[Arguments] ${locator} ${Index}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Wait For Page Ready
Select From List By Index ${locator} ${Index}

Input Search Word
[Documentation] 输入检索词
[Arguments] ${locator} ${search_word}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Input Text ${locator} ${search_word}

Delete Record
[Documentation] 删除指定资源记录
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Click Element ${locator}
Close Prompt Box

Trash Should Contains
[Documentation] 验证回收站中应该包含指定的资源
[Arguments] ${name}
Click Element -2_anchor
Wait Until Page Contains ${name}

Select Category By Name From CatNav
[Documentation] 根据名称选择分类导航下的分类
[Arguments] ${name}
Sleep 3s
Wait and Click Element //a[contains(@class,"jstree-anchor") and contains(@title,"${name}")]

### 上传相关 ###
Wait Until Upload Finished
[Documentation] 等待上传完成
[Arguments] ${check_point}
Wait Until Page Contains ${check_point}
# Wait Until Page Does Not Contain ${check_point}

Upload File Until Finished
[Documentation] 通过原生上传控件,上传文件
[Arguments] ${locator} ${file_path} ${check_point}=${EMPTY}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${locator}
Choose File ${locator} ${file_path}
Run Keyword Unless '${check_point}'=='${EMPTY}' Wait Until Upload Finished ${check_point}

Upload Large Files
[Documentation] 通过最新的自定义上传控件,上传大文件
[Arguments] ${upload_locator} ${file_path}
Wait and Click Element ${upload_locator}
uploadfile ${file_path}
Sleep 1s

Upload Docs Files
[Documentation] 通过最新的自定义上传控件,上传大文件
[Arguments] ${upload_locator}
Wait and Click Element ${upload_locator}
Choose File xpath=//input[@name="file"] ${EXEcdIR}\\testFiles\\docs\\test001.docx
Sleep 1s

JS Click Button By Name
[Arguments] ${locator}
Execute Javascript $("*[name='${locator}']").click()

####################### 基于原生关键字的的公用关键字 ###############################################
Wait and Click Link
[Documentation] 等待元素出现并单击链接
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
# Sleep 0.5s
Click Link ${locator}
Wait For Page Ready

Wait and Click Element
[Documentation] 等待元素出现并单击元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator} 10s
# Sleep 0.5s
Click Element ${locator}
Wait For Page Ready

Move Menu and Click Link
[Documentation] 等待悬浮菜单中的元素出现并单击元素
[Arguments] ${hover_locator} ${opt_locator}
Sleep 1s
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${hover_locator}
Mouse Down ${hover_locator}
Click Link ${opt_locator}

Move Over and Click Link
[Documentation] 等待悬浮菜单中的元素出现并单击元素
[Arguments] ${hover_locator} ${opt_locator}
Sleep 1s
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${hover_locator}
Mouse Over ${hover_locator}
Click Link ${opt_locator}

Wait and Select Checkbox
[Documentation] 等待复选框出现并选中复选框
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Select Checkbox ${locator}
Wait For Page Ready

Wait and Select Frame
[Documentation] 等待frame出现并单击frame
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Select Frame ${locator}

Wait and Double Click Element
[Documentation] 等待元素出现并双击元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Double Click Element ${locator}
Wait For Page Ready

Select List Value By Label
[Documentation] 选择下拉列表中的值
[Arguments] ${locator} ${label}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator} 10s
Select From List By Label ${locator} ${label}
Wait For Page Ready

Select List Value By Index
[Documentation] 选择下拉列表中的值
[Arguments] ${locator} ${index}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator}
Select From List By Index ${locator} ${index}
Wait For Page Ready

Element Text Should Be
[Documentation] 验证元素内容
[Arguments] ${locator} ${text}
${value}= Get Text ${locator}
${value}= Del Newlines ${value}
${value}= Del Space ${value}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Be Equal ${value} ${text}
Capture Page Screenshot

Element Text Should Contain
[Documentation] 验证元素内容
[Arguments] ${locator} ${text}
${value}= Get Text ${locator}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Contain ${value} ${text}
Capture Page Screenshot

Element Text Should Not Contain
[Documentation] 验证元素内容
[Arguments] ${locator} ${text}
${value}= Get Text ${locator}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Not Contain ${value} ${text}
Capture Page Screenshot

Element Attribute Should Contain
[Arguments] ${locator} ${value}
${attr} Get Element Attribute ${locator} Class
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Contain ${attr} ${value}
Capture Page Screenshot

Element Count Should Be
[Documentation] 验证元素数量
[Arguments] ${locator} ${count}
${value}= Get Matching Xpath Count ${locator}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Be Equal ${value} ${count}
Capture Page Screenshot

Element Should Not Be Empty
[Documentation] 验证元素值不应该为空
[Arguments] ${locator}
${value}= Get Text ${locator}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Not Be Empty ${value}
Capture Page Screenshot

####################### 逻辑运算相关的公用关键字 ###############################################
Get Current File Parent Path
${parent_path}= Get Parent Path
log ${parent_path}
Set Suite Variable ${PARENT_PATH} ${parent_path}

########################## 资源中心公用关键字 ###################################
Select Library Common Keywords
Select Resource Center
:For ${index} IN RANGE 3
\ Set_Browser_Implicit_Wait 10 #隐式等待
\ ${Not_Contain} Run_keyword_and_return_status Page_Should_Not_Contain_Element ${COL_VIDEO}
\ Run_keyword_if '${Not_Contain}'=='True' Reload Page
Wait and Click Element ${COL_VIDEO}

Keyword Input Title Info
[Documentation] 输入标题名称等信息
[Arguments] ${title} ${context}
${title}= Generate.Generate Stamp ${title}_
Set Suite Variable ${ARTICLE_TOPIC} ${title}
Input Text ${ENGLISH_KEYWORD} ${context}
########################### 文档库关键字 上传文档###################################
DocumentLibrary Upload Function Verification
Select Library Common Keywords
Drag Page Scrollbar Down 1000
Wait and Click Element ${COL_DOCUMENT}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${UPLOAD_DOCUMENT}
Wait and Click Element ${UPLOAD_DOCUMENT}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${DOCUMENT_NAME}
Execute Javascript document.getElementsByClassName('chooseFile')[0].click()
Choose File xpath=//input[@name="file"] ${EXEcdIR}\\testFiles\\docs\\test001.docx
Sleep 1s
Wait and Click Element ${SELECT_FILE_CONFIRM}

########################### 文档库关键字 传输列表###################################
DocumentLibrary Transfer list Verification
Wait and Click Element ${TRANSFER_LIST}
Page Should Contain test001.docx
Wait and Click Element ${TRANSFER_LIST_CLOSE}

########################### 文档库关键字 搜索###################################
DocumentLibrary Searach Verification
Wait and Click Element ${SEARCH_SPAN}
Wait Until Page Contains ${TEST_DOC_TITLE}

########################### 文档库关键字 刷新###################################
DocumentLibrary REFRESH Verification
Wait and Click Element ${REFRESH_BTN}
########################### 音频库关键字 上传音频###################################
AudioLibrary Upload Function Verification
Select Library Common Keywords
Drag Page Scrollbar Down 1000
Wait and Click Element ${COL_AUDIO}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${UPLOAD_AUDIO}
Wait and Click Element ${UPLOAD_AUDIO}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${AUDIO_NAME}
Execute Javascript document.getElementsByClassName('chooseFile')[0].click()
Choose File xpath=//input[@name="file"] ${EXEcdIR}\\testFiles\\audios\\mp3\\blue001.mp3
Sleep 1s
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_SELECT_FILE_CONFIRM}

########################### 音频库关键字 传输列表###################################
AudioLibrary Transfer list Verification
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_TRANSFER_LIST}
Page Should Contain blue001.mp3
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_TRANSFER_LIST_CLOSE}

########################### 音频库关键字 搜索###################################
AudioLibrary Searach Verification
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_SEARCH_SPAN}
Wait Until Page Contains ${TEST_AUDIO_TITLE}

########################### 音频库关键字 刷新###################################
AudioLibrary REFRESH Verification
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_REFRESH_BTN}

########################### 视频库关键字 上传视频###################################
VideoLibrary Upload Function Verification
Select Library Common Keywords
Wait and Click Element ${COL_VIDEO}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${UPLOAD_VIDEO}
Wait and Click Element ${UPLOAD_VIDEO}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${VIDEO_NAME}
Execute Javascript document.getElementsByClassName('chooseFile')[0].click()
Choose File xpath=//input[@name="file"] ${EXEcdIR}\\testFiles\\Videos\\mov001.mp4
Sleep 1s
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_SELECT_FILE_CONFIRM}
Sleep 5s

########################### 视频库关键字 传输列表###################################
VideoLibrary Transfer list Verification
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_TRANSFER_LIST}
Page Should Contain mov001.mp4
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_TRANSFER_LIST_CLOSE}

########################### 视频库关键字 搜索###################################
VideoLibrary Searach Verification
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_SEARCH_SPAN}
Wait Until Page Contains ${TEST_VIDEO_TITLE}

########################### 视频库关键字 刷新###################################
VideoLibrary REFRESH Verification
Wait and Click Element ${AUDIO_REFRESH_BTN}

########################### 关键词库关键字 导入关键词################################
Keywords Import Function Verification
Select Library Common Keywords
Wait and Click Element ${COL_KEYWORD}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${IMPORT_KEYWORD}
Wait and Click Element ${IMPORT_KEYWORD}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${KEYWORD_SELECT_FILE}
Wait and Click Element ${KEYWORD_SELECT_FILE}
Choose File xpath=//input[@name="file"] ${EXEcdIR}\\testFiles\\excel\\excel001.xlsx
Wait Until Page Contains excel001.xlsx
Wait Until Page Contains 蜗牛

########################### 关键词库关键字 导入关键词################################
New Keywords Verification
Select Library Common Keywords
Wait and Click Element ${COL_KEYWORD}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${NEW_KEYWORD}
Wait and Click Element ${NEW_KEYWORD}
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${CHINESE_KEYWORD}
Keyword Input Title Info ${MORNING_GLORY} Morning glory
Wait and Click Element ${NEW_KEYWORD_CONFIRM}
Page Should Contain ${MORNING_GLORY}
Wait and Click Element ${MORNING_GLORY_SPAN}
Execute Javascript document.getElementsByClassName('operationBtns').click()
Wait and Click Element ${DELETE_KEYWORD_CONFIRM}
Page Should Not Contain

