

Could not get platform OS version




            if (Windows()) {

                            # The output of ver looks like:


                            # Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]


                            # (including the empty line before)


                            $platform_os_version = `ver`;

                            # we keep the first two fields of the version number

                            if (! ($platform_os_version =~ s/\nMicrosoft.*\[Version +([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\..*\]/$1/g)) {

                                            $platform_os_version = "";



                            if ($platform_os_version =~ /^5\..*/) {

                                            $platform_os_version = "5.1";


            } else {

                            $platform_os_version = `uname -r`;

                            # we keep all fields of the version number

                            if (! ($platform_os_version =~ s/^[^0-9]*([0-9.]+).*$/$1/s)) {

                                            $platform_os_version = "";




            chomp ($platform_os);

            chomp ($platform_os_version);

            if (! $platform_os_version ) {

                            CorFail ("Could not get platform OS version");




可以看到env.core.pl使用正则表达式s/\nMicrosoft.*\[Version +([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\..*\]/$1/g来分析Ver的输出结果。如果操作系统为非中文版本或者安装了界面包的情况下,ver命令便有可能输出中文结果,导致脚本出错。虽然可以通过修改系统Locale的方式解决,不过更简单的解决方法显然是直接修改脚本,把$platform_version固定为某个值,比如5.1,修改后代码如下:

            if (Windows()) {

                            # assume 5.1 version because the original code cannot parse the output of ver command correctly in non-English OS

                            $platform_os_version = "5.1";

            } else {

                            $platform_os_version = `uname -r`;

                            # we keep all fields of the version number

                            if (! ($platform_os_version =~ s/^[^0-9]*([0-9.]+).*$/$1/s)) {

                                            $platform_os_version = "";




            chomp ($platform_os);

            chomp ($platform_os_version);

            if (! $platform_os_version ) {

                            CorFail ("Could not get platform OS version");




这里有一个已经修改好的env.core.pl (放在我的Windows Live Skydrive账户里面),有需要的朋友可以点击下载,然后覆盖SSCLI20目录下的env.core.pl即可。


作者:      张羿(ATField)