declare @T1 table(代码 int,名称 varchar(10),参加时间 datetime,终止时间 datetime)
insert into @T1
    select 12,'单位1','2003/04/01','2004/05/01'
    union all select 22,'单位2','2001/02/01','2003/02/01'
    union all select 42,'单位3','2000/04/01','2003/05/01'
    union all select 25,'单位5','2003/04/01','2003/05/01'

declare @NB table(代码 int,名称 varchar(10),年份 int)
insert into @NB
    select 12,'单位1',2003
    union all select 12,'单位1',2004
    union all select 22,'单位2',2001
    union all select 22,'单位2',2002
    union all select 22,'单位2',2003

declare @YB table(代码 int,名称 varchar(10),年份 int,月份 varchar(2))
insert into @YB
    select 12,'单位1',2003,'04'
    union all select 22,'单位2',2001,'01'
    union all select 22,'单位2',2001,'12'

select top 8246 y=identity(int,1753,1)
into #tby from
    (select id from syscolumns) a,
    (select id from syscolumns) b,
    (select id from syscolumns) c

select top 12 m=identity(int,1,1)
into #tbm from syscolumns

select a.*
select a.代码,a.名称,年份=b.y
from @T1 a,#tby b
where b.y between year(参加时间) and year(终止时间)
) a left join @NB b on a.代码=b.代码 and a.年份=b.年份
where b.代码 is null

select a.*
select a.代码,a.名称,年份=b.y,月份=right('00'+cast(c.m as varchar),2)
from @T1 a,#tby b,#tbm c
where b.y*100+c.m between convert(varchar(6),参加时间,112)
    and convert(varchar(6),终止时间,112)
) a left join @YB b on a.代码=b.代码 and a.年份=b.年份 and a.月份=b.月份
where b.代码 is null
order by a.代码,a.名称,a.年份,a.月份

drop table #tby,#tbm