
xxxx@TIM sunlogin_linux_1.0.0.25020]$ ls
bin  html  install_sunlogin.sh  readme.txt  script  uninstall_sunlogin.sh
[xxxx@TIM sunlogin_linux_1.0.0.25020]$ ./install_sunlogin.sh
Start install linux sunlogin
Install path(/usr/local/sunlogin)
mkdir: cannot create directory `/a': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/sunlogin': Permission denied
Install failed
[xxxx@TIM sunlogin_linux_1.0.0.25020]$ sudo ./install_sunlogin.sh
[sudo] password for xxxx:
Start install linux sunlogin
Install path(/usr/local/sunlogin)
1.Account login
2.Sunlogin code login
Please select your login type:1
Account: xxxxxx
you can switch account by running command (-u<username> -p<password> or -reset) option, or by command (changelogon) after logon.
Need to run on startup(y/n):
set orayremoteservice run on startup
please run /usr/local/sunlogin/script/close_run_on_startup.sh if you don't want to run on startup
start sshd service
Run now?(y/n):
start orayremoteservice              [ok]
finish install linux sunlogin
install path:/usr/local/sunlogin
config file:/etc/orayremoteclient.conf
log path:/var/log/sunlogin
[xxxx@TIM sunlogin_linux_1.0.0.25020]$