ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited. ORA-39029: worker 7 with process name "DW0M" prematurely terminated ORA-31684: Object type PROCEDURE:" ADM"."AAAAA" already exists |
从报错信息可以看出,并行导入的进程(worker 7)遇到错误退出,错误原因是ORA-31684: Object type PROCEDURE:" ADM"."AAAAA" already exists。正常情况下,如果是一个干净的环境,导入数据时,不可能报object already exists这种错误。
DIRECTORY=dpdir LOGFILE=impdp_adm_20211101.log cluster=n dumpfile=expdp_adm_%U.dmp parallel=8 JOB_NAME=impdp_adm |
导入脚本中没有特殊的参数,但开了并行,也即使用了parallel参数。上面的那个ORA-31684: Object type PROCEDURE:" ADM"."AAAAA" already exists错误,怀疑是impdp的并行进程重复做了相同的事。
4、搜索MOS,找到文档:Errors ORA-39014 ORA-39029 ORA-31672 On DataPump Import (Doc ID 464082.1),文中提到:
The parallelism (specified with parameter PARALLEL) should be less than or equal to the number of dump files in the dump file set. If there are not enough dump files, the performance will not be optimal because multiple threads of execution will be trying to access the same dump file.
5、MOS上关于expdp或impdp时报ORA-39014 ORA-39029的BUG还挺多的,但涵盖19.12版本的BUG很少,只找到Bug30477767 - ORA-02095 And Worker Crashes During Import When Using Parallel Parameter (Doc ID 30477767.8)。在MOS上看不到这个BUG的细节,也无法最终确认。