

但在开发的时候,为了保证代码的可读性,我们写的程序文件会很多而且很大,这样就与部署的要求发生背离,通过UglifyJS2这个工具,我们可以在开发完成时,对代码文件进行 合并、混淆、压缩 等的操作,达到最优的访问性能。


  1. UglifyJS介绍
  2. UglifyJS2介绍
  3. UglifyJS2安装
  4. UglifyJS2命令操作
  5. UglifyJS2的API使用

1. UglifyJS介绍



  • 生成JS代码的抽象语法树(AST),通过parse-js.js完成。
  • 遍历AST语法树,做各种操作,比如自动缩进、缩短变量名、删除块括号{}、去空格、常量表达式、连续变量声明、语块合并、去掉无法访问的代码等,通过process.js完成。

3. UglifyJS2安装


  • win7 64bit
  • Nodejs:v0.10.5
  • Npm:1.2.19


  1. npm install uglify-js -g


  1. git clone git://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2.git
  2. cd UglifyJS2


4. UglifyJS2命令操作



  1. D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2>uglifyjs -h
  2. D:\toolkit\nodejs\\node.exe D:\toolkit\nodejs\node_modules\uglify-js\bin\uglifyjs input1.js [input2.js ...] [options]
  3. Use a single dash to read input from the standard input.

  4. NOTE: by default there is no mangling/compression.
  5. Without [options] it will simply parse input files and dump the AST
  6. with whitespace and comments discarded. To achieve compression and
  7. mangling you need to use `-c` and `-m`.

  8. Options:
  9. --source-map Specify an output file where to generate source
  10. map. [string]
  11. --source-map-root The path to the original source to be included
  12. in the source map. [string]
  13. --source-map-url The path to the source map to be added in //#
  14. sourceMappingURL. Defaults to the value passed
  15. with --source-map. [string]
  16. --source-map-include-sources Pass this flag if you want to include the
  17. content of source files in the source map as
  18. sourcesContent property. [boolean]
  19. --in-source-map Input source map, useful if you're compressing
  20. JS that was generated from some other original
  21. code.
  22. --screw-ie8 Pass this flag if you don't care about full
  23. compliance with Internet Explorer 6-8 quirks
  24. (by default UglifyJS will try to be IE-proof).
  25. [boolean]
  26. --expr Parse a single expression, rather than a
  27. program (for parsing JSON) [boolean]
  28. -p, --prefix Skip prefix for original filenames that appear
  29. in source maps. For example -p 3 will drop 3
  30. directories from file names and ensure they are
  31. relative paths. You can also specify -p
  32. relative, which will make UglifyJS figure out
  33. itself the relative paths between original
  34. sources, the source map and the output file.
  35. [string]
  36. -o, --output Output file (default STDOUT).
  37. -b, --beautify Beautify output/specify output options.
  38. [string]
  39. -m, --mangle Mangle names/pass mangler options. [string]
  40. -r, --reserved Reserved names to exclude from mangling.
  41. -c, --compress Enable compressor/pass compressor options. Pass
  42. options like -c
  43. hoist_vars=false,if_return=false. Use -c with
  44. no argument to use the default compression
  45. options. [string]
  46. -d, --define Global definitions [string]
  47. -e, --enclose Embed everything in a big function, with a
  48. configurable parameter/argument list. [string]
  49. --comments Preserve copyright comments in the output. By
  50. default this works like Google Closure, keeping
  51. JSDoc-style comments that contain "@license" or
  52. "@preserve". You can optionally pass one of the
  53. following arguments to this flag:
  54. - "all" to keep all comments
  55. - a valid JS regexp (needs to start with a
  56. slash) to keep only comments that match.
  57. Note that currently not *all* comments can be
  58. kept when compression is on, because of dead
  59. code removal or cascading statements into
  60. sequences. [string]
  61. --preamble Preamble to prepend to the output. You can use
  62. this to insert a comment, for example for
  63. licensing information. This will not be
  64. parsed, but the source map will adjust for its
  65. presence.
  66. --stats Display operations run time on STDERR.
  67. [boolean]
  68. --acorn Use Acorn for parsing. [boolean]
  69. --spidermonkey Assume input files are SpiderMonkey AST format
  70. (as JSON). [boolean]
  71. --self Build itself (UglifyJS2) as a library (implies
  72. --wrap=UglifyJS --export-all) [boolean]
  73. --wrap Embed everything in a big function, making the
  74. “exports” and “global” variables available. You
  75. need to pass an argument to this option to
  76. specify the name that your module will take
  77. when included in, say, a browser. [string]
  78. --export-all Only used when --wrap, this tells UglifyJS to
  79. add code to automatically export all globals.
  80. [boolean]
  81. --lint Display some scope warnings [boolean]
  82. -v, --verbose Verbose [boolean]
  83. -V, --version Print version number and exit. [boolean]
  84. --noerr Don't throw an error for unknown options in -c,
  85. -b or -m. [boolean]


  • –source-map [string],生成source map文件。
  • –source-map-root [string], 指定生成source map的源文件位置。
  • –source-map-url [string], 指定source map的网站访问地址。
  • –source-map-include-sources,设置源文件被包含到source map中。
  • –in-source-map,自定义source map,用于其他工具生成的source map。
  • –screw-ie8, 用于生成完全兼容IE6-8的代码。
  • –expr, 解析一个表达式或JSON。
  • -p, –prefix [string], 跳过原始文件名的前缀部分,用于指定源文件、source map和输出文件的相对路径。
  • -o, –output [string], 输出到文件。
  • -b, –beautify [string], 输出带格式化的文件。
  • -m, –mangle [string], 输出变量名替换后的文件。
  • -r, –reserved [string], 保留变量名,排除mangle过程。
  • -c, –compress [string], 输出压缩后的文件。
  • -d, –define [string], 全局定义。
  • -e, –enclose [string], 把所有代码合并到一个函数中,并提供一个可配置的参数列表。
  • –comments [string], 增加注释参数,如@license、@preserve。
  • –preamble [string], 增加注释描述。
  • –stats, 显示运行状态。
  • –acorn, 用Acorn做解析。
  • –spidermonkey, 解析SpiderMonkey格式的文件,如JSON。
  • –self, 把UglifyJS2做为依赖库一起打包。
  • –wrap, 把所有代码合并到一个函数中。
  • –export-all, 和–wrap一起使用,自动输出到全局环境。
  • –lint, 显示环境的异常信息。
  • -v, –verbose, 打印运行日志详细。
  • -V, –version, 打印版本号。
  • –noerr, 忽略错误命令行参数。


写2个简单地JS文件,demo.js, main.js。

  1. ~ vi D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2\demo.js

  2. 'use strict';

  3. function hello(name){
  4. if(name==='fens.me'){
  5. return "Long time no see, "+name;
  6. }
  7. return "hello "+name;
  8. }

  9. console.log(hello('Conan'));
  10. console.log(hello('fens.me'));


  1. ~ vi D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2\main.js

  2. 'use strict';

  3. function book(){
  4. return [
  5. {head:'前言',page:'/views/tpl/book-r1/preface.html',active:false},
  6. {head:'目录',page:'/views/tpl/book-r1/contents.html',active:true},
  7. {head:'代码',page:'/views/tpl/book-r1/code.html',active:false},
  8. {head:'试读',page:'/views/tpl/book-r1/sample.html',active:false},
  9. {head:'勘误',page:'/views/tpl/book-r1/mistake.html',active:false}
  10. ];
  11. }

  12. var tab=function(arr,idx){
  13. for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
  14. arr[i].active = (idx==i?true:false);
  15. }
  16. return arr;
  17. }

  18. console.log(tab(book(),3));

接下来,用UglifyJS2命令进行操作,合并两个文件,对变量名用单字母替换,进行压缩,所有代码合并到一个函数,生成source map,指定source map来源网站。

  1. D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2>uglifyjs main.js demo.js -o foo.min.js --source-map foo.min.js.map --source-map-root http://onbook.me -p 5 -c -m --wrap --export-all

在当前目录生成了2个新文件:foo.min.js.map, foo.min.js,分别查看这两个文件。


  1. !function(e,t){"use strict";function o(){return[{head:"前言",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/preface.html",active:!1},{head:"目录",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/contents.html",active:!0},{head:"代码",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/code.html",active:!1},{head:"试读",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/sample.html",active:!1},{head:"勘误",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/mistake.html",active:!1}]}function n(e){return"fens.me"===e?"Long time no see, "+e:"hello "+e}t["true"]=e,console.log(a(o(),3));var a=function(e,t){for(var o=0;o




# 下载 ~ wget http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.js ~ wget http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js
# 压缩 ~ uglifyjs jquery-2.1.1.js -o jquery-2.1.1.min.uglifyjs2.js -p 5 -c -m
# 比较3个文件大小 ~ ls -l -rwx------ 1 4294967295 mkpasswd 247351 Jul 6 16:26 jquery-2.1.1.js -rwx------ 1 4294967295 mkpasswd 84245 Jul 6 16:32 jquery-2.1.1.min.js -rwx------ 1 4294967295 mkpasswd 84113 Jul 6 16:28 jquery-2.1.1.min.uglifyjs2.js


5. UglifyJS2的API使用



  1. ~ vi D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2\package.json

  2. {
  3. "name": "nodejs-uglifyjs2",
  4. "version": "0.0.1",
  5. "description": "uglifyjs2",
  6. "author": "Conan Zhang ",
  7. "dependencies": {
  8. }
  9. }


  1. D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2>npm install uglify-js --save
  2. npm WARN package.json nodejs-uglifyjs2@0.0.1 No readme data!
  3. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/uglify-js
  4. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/uglify-js
  5. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/async
  6. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/source-map
  7. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/optimist
  8. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/uglify-to-browserify
  9. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/uglify-to-browserify
  10. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/optimist
  11. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/async
  12. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/source-map
  13. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/wordwrap
  14. npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/amdefine
  15. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/wordwrap
  16. npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/amdefine
  17. uglify-js@2.4.14 node_modules\uglify-js
  18. ├── uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2
  19. ├── async@0.2.10
  20. ├── optimist@0.3.7 (wordwrap@0.0.2)
  21. └── source-map@0.1.34 (amdefine@0.1.0)


  1. ~ vi D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2\uglify2.js

  2. 'use strict';

  3. var UglifyJS = require('uglify-js');

  4. //代码压缩
  5. var result = UglifyJS.minify("var b = function () {};", {fromString: true});
  6. console.log("\n===========================");
  7. console.log(result);

  8. //文件压缩
  9. result = UglifyJS.minify(["demo.js"]);
  10. console.log("\n===========================");
  11. console.log(result.code);

  12. //多文件压缩,指定source map和网站来源
  13. result = UglifyJS.minify(["main.js","demo.js"],{
  14. outSourceMap: "out.js.map",
  15. sourceRoot: "http://onbook.me",
  16. mangle:true
  17. });
  18. console.log("\n===========================");
  19. console.log(result.code);
  20. console.log(result.map);


  1. D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-uglifyJS2>node uglify2.js

  2. ===========================
  3. { code: 'var b=function(){};', map: 'null' }

  4. ===========================
  5. "use strict";function hello(e){return"fens.me"===e?"Long time no see, "+e:"hello "+e}var tab=function(e,o){for(var n=0;n
  6. <e.length;n++)e[n].active=o==n?!0:!1;return e};console.log(hello("Conan")),console.log(hello("fens.me"));

  7. ===========================
  8. "use strict";function book(){return[{head:"前言",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/preface.html",active:!1},{head:"目录",page:"/v
  9. iews/tpl/book-r1/contents.html",active:!0},{head:"代码",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/code.html",active:!1},{head:"试读",page
  10. :"/views/tpl/book-r1/sample.html",active:!1},{head:"勘误",page:"/views/tpl/book-r1/mistake.html",active:!1}]}function he
  11. llo(e){return"fens.me"===e?"Long time no see, "+e:"hello "+e}console.log(tab(book(),3));var tab=function(e,o){for(var t=
  12. 0;t<e.length;t++)e[t].active=o==t?!0:!1;return e};console.log(hello("Conan")),console.log(hello("fens.me"));
  13. //# sourceMappingURL=out.js.map
  14. {"version":3,"file":"out.js.map","sources":["main.js","demo.js"],"names":["book","head","page","active","hello","name","
  15. console","log","tab","arr","idx","i","length"],"mappings":"AAAA,YAEA,SAASA,QACL,QACKC,KAAK,KAAKC,KAAK,kCAAkCC,QAAO,IACxD
  19. H,SAAQC,IAAIH,MAAM,UAClBE,QAAQC,IAAIH,MAAM","sourceRoot":"http://onbook.me"}



  • 通过API设置mangle选项,但输出没有效果。
  • 没有--wrap和--export-all 命令行参数对应的API。
