1. 背景


  • MonkeyDevice
  • MonkeyImage
  • MonkeyRunnerMonkenRunner通过HierarchyViewer定位控制的方法和建议(Appium/UIAutomator/Robotium侣)_android




本文我们依旧跟上几篇文章一样以SDK自带的NotePad为实验目标。看怎么定位到NotesList以下的Menu Options中的Add note这个Menu Entry。


2.findViewById(String id)

2.1 演示样例

targetDevice = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
public ViewNode findViewById(String id)
* @param id id for the view.
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.
viewer = targetDevice.getHierarchyViewer()
button = viewer.findViewById('id/title')
text = viewer.getText(button)
print text.encode('utf-8')

2.2 分析和建议


  • 一旦MonkeyRunner连接上设备,会立马获得一个MonkeyDevice的对象代表了目标測试设备。我们就是通过这个设备对象来控制设备的
  • 注意这里须要填写的id的格式和UIAutomatorViewer获得ResourceId是不一样的,请看下图UIAutomatorViewer截图中ResourceId前面多出了"android:"字串:MonkenRunner通过HierarchyViewer定位控制的方法和建议(Appium/UIAutomator/Robotium侣)_sed_04
  • 这种方法返回的一个ViewNode的对象,代表目标控件。拥有大量控件相关的属性,因为篇幅问题这里不详述,往后应该会另外撰文描写叙述它的使用。在本文里知道它代表了目标控件即可了
  • 最后打印的时候须要转换成UTF-8编码的原因跟Jython默认的编码格式有关系。详细描写叙述和Workaround请查看:​​http://www.haogongju.net/art/1636997​
3. findViewById(String id, ViewNode rootNode)


public ViewNode findViewById(String id, ViewNode rootNode)
* Find a view by ID, starting from the given root node
* @param id ID of the view you're looking for
* @param rootNode the ViewNode at which to begin the traversal
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.

iconMenuView = viewer.findViewById('id/icon_menu')
button = viewer.findViewById('id/title',iconMenuView)
print "Button Text:",text.encode('utf-8')




4 getAbsolutePositionOfView(ViewNode node)


public static Point getAbsoluteCenterOfView(ViewNode node)
* Gets the absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
* @param node view node to find position of.
* @return absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
point = viewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(button)
print "Button Absolute Center Position:",point

4.2 分析和建议

这个API的目的是想定位一个已知ViewNode控件的左上角在屏幕上的绝对坐标。对于我们正常的APP里面的控件,本人实践过是没有问题的。可是有一种情况要特别注意:这个对Menu Options以下的控件是无效的!

以上演示样例最后一段代码的输出是(3,18),事实上这里不用想都知道这个不可能是相对屏幕左上角坐标(0,0)的绝对坐标值了,就偏移这一点点像素,你真的当我的实验机器HTC Incredible S是能够植入脑袋的神器啊。


那么这个数据是怎样获得的呢?事实上依照我的理解(真的仅仅是我自己的理解。不正确的话就指正吧,但请描写叙述具体点以供我參考)。这个函数的定义应该是“获得从最上层的DecorView(具体DectorView的描写叙述请查看我曾经转载的一篇文章《Android DecorView浅析》)左上角坐标到目标控件的的偏移坐标”,仅仅是这个最上层的DecorView的坐标一般都是从(0,0)開始而已。例如以下图我觉得最上面的那个FrameLayout就代表了DecorView,或者说整个窗口


那么在如果我的观点是对的情况下,这个就非常好解析了。请看Menu Option的最上层FrameLayout的绝对坐标是(0。683)


而Add note的绝对坐标是(3,701)



5. getAbsoluteCenterOfView(ViewNode node)

5.1 演示样例

public static Point getAbsoluteCenterOfView(ViewNode node)
* Gets the absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
* @param node view node to find position of.
* @return absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
point = viewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(button)
print "Button Absolute Center Position:",point

5.2 分析和建议

这种方法的目的是获得目标ViewNode控件的中间点的绝对坐标值,可是对Menu Options以下的控件相同不适用。详细请查看第3章节。


6. getFocusedWindowName()

6.1 演示样例

public String getFocusedWindowName()
* Gets the window that currently receives the focus.
* @return name of the window that currently receives the focus.
window = viewer.getFocusedWindowName()
print "Window Name:",window.encode('utf-8')

6.2 解析






7. visible(ViewNode node)

7.1 演示样例

public boolean visible(ViewNode node)
* Gets the visibility of a given element.
* @param selector selector for the view.
* @return True if the element is visible.
isVisible = viewer.visible(button)
print "is visible:",isVisible


8. 測试代码

from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner,MonkeyDevice
from com.android.monkeyrunner.easy import EasyMonkeyDevice,By
from com.android.chimpchat.hierarchyviewer import HierarchyViewer
from com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.models import ViewNode, Window
from java.awt import Point

#from com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.device import

#Connect to the target targetDevice
targetDevice = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()

easy_device = EasyMonkeyDevice(targetDevice) #touch a button by id would need this

#invoke the menu options
targetDevice.press('KEYCODE_MENU', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP);

public ViewNode findViewById(String id)
* @param id id for the view.
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.
viewer = targetDevice.getHierarchyViewer()
button = viewer.findViewById('id/title')
text = viewer.getText(button)
print text.encode('utf-8')

public ViewNode findViewById(String id, ViewNode rootNode)
* Find a view by ID, starting from the given root node
* @param id ID of the view you're looking for
* @param rootNode the ViewNode at which to begin the traversal
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.

iconMenuView = viewer.findViewById('id/icon_menu')
button = viewer.findViewById('id/title',iconMenuView)
print "Button Text:",text.encode('utf-8')

public String getFocusedWindowName()
* Gets the window that currently receives the focus.
* @return name of the window that currently receives the focus.
window = viewer.getFocusedWindowName()
print "Window Name:",window.encode('utf-8')

public static Point getAbsoluteCenterOfView(ViewNode node)
* Gets the absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
* @param node view node to find position of.
* @return absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
point = viewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(button)
print "Button Absolute Center Position:",point

public static Point getAbsolutePositionOfView(ViewNode node)
* Gets the absolute x/y position of the view node.
* @param node view node to find position of.
* @return point specifying the x/y position of the node.
point = viewer.getAbsolutePositionOfView(button)
print "Button Absolute Position:", point

public boolean visible(ViewNode node)
* Gets the visibility of a given element.
* @param selector selector for the view.
* @return True if the element is visible.
isVisible = viewer.visible(button)
print "is visible:",isVisible


* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.chimpchat.hierarchyviewer;
import com.android.ddmlib.IDevice;
import com.android.ddmlib.Log;
import com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.device.DeviceBridge;
import com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.device.ViewServerDevice;
import com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.models.ViewNode;
import com.android.hierarchyviewerlib.models.Window;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
* Class for querying the view hierarchy of the device.
public class HierarchyViewer {
public static final String TAG = "hierarchyviewer";
private IDevice mDevice;
* Constructs the hierarchy viewer for the specified device.
* @param device The Android device to connect to.
public HierarchyViewer(IDevice device) {
this.mDevice = device;
private void setupViewServer() {
if (!DeviceBridge.isViewServerRunning(mDevice)) {
if (!DeviceBridge.startViewServer(mDevice)) {
// TODO: Get rid of this delay.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!DeviceBridge.startViewServer(mDevice)) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to debug device " + mDevice);
throw new RuntimeException("Could not connect to the view server");
* Find a view by id.
* @param id id for the view.
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.
public ViewNode findViewById(String id) {
ViewNode rootNode = DeviceBridge.loadWindowData(
new Window(new ViewServerDevice(mDevice), "", 0xffffffff));
if (rootNode == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not dump view");
return findViewById(id, rootNode);
* Find a view by ID, starting from the given root node
* @param id ID of the view you're looking for
* @param rootNode the ViewNode at which to begin the traversal
* @return view with the specified ID, or {@code null} if no view found.
public ViewNode findViewById(String id, ViewNode rootNode) {
if (rootNode.id.equals(id)) {
return rootNode;
for (ViewNode child : rootNode.children) {
ViewNode found = findViewById(id,child);
if (found != null) {
return found;
return null;
* Gets the window that currently receives the focus.
* @return name of the window that currently receives the focus.
public String getFocusedWindowName() {
int id = DeviceBridge.getFocusedWindow(mDevice);
Window[] windows = DeviceBridge.loadWindows(new ViewServerDevice(mDevice), mDevice);
for (Window w : windows) {
if (w.getHashCode() == id)
return w.getTitle();
return null;
* Gets the absolute x/y position of the view node.
* @param node view node to find position of.
* @return point specifying the x/y position of the node.
public static Point getAbsolutePositionOfView(ViewNode node) {
int x = node.left;
int y = node.top;
ViewNode p = node.parent;
while (p != null) {
x += p.left - p.scrollX;
y += p.top - p.scrollY;
p = p.parent;
return new Point(x, y);
* Gets the absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
* @param node view node to find position of.
* @return absolute x/y center of the specified view node.
public static Point getAbsoluteCenterOfView(ViewNode node) {
Point point = getAbsolutePositionOfView(node);
return new Point(
point.x + (node.width / 2), point.y + (node.height / 2));
* Gets the visibility of a given element.
* @param selector selector for the view.
* @return True if the element is visible.
public boolean visible(ViewNode node) {
boolean ret = (node != null)
&& node.namedProperties.containsKey("getVisibility()")
&& "VISIBLE".equalsIgnoreCase(
return ret;
* Gets the text of a given element.
* @param selector selector for the view.
* @return the text of the given element.
public String getText(ViewNode node) {
if (node == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Node not found");
ViewNode.Property textProperty = node.namedProperties.get("text:mText");
if (textProperty == null) {
// give it another chance, ICS ViewServer returns mText
textProperty = node.namedProperties.get("mText");
if (textProperty == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No text property on node");
return textProperty.value;

10. 參考阅读


  • Robotium之Android控件定位实践和建议(Appium/UIAutomator姊妹篇)
  • UIAutomator定位Android控件的方法实践和建议(Appium姊妹篇)
  • Appium基于安卓的各种FindElement的控件定位方法实践和建议






