

本项目主要检测识别的行为有7类:Standing, Walking, Sitting, Lying Down, Stand up, Sit down, Fall Down


本文涉及的方法与算法包括:YOLO V3 Tiny、Deepsort、ST-GCN方法,其中YOLO V3 Tiny用于行人检测、DeepSort用于跟踪、而ST-GCN则是用于行为检测。

这里由于YOLO与DeepSort大家都已经比较了解,因此这里只简单说明一下ST-GCN 的流程,这里ST-GCN 的方法结构图如下:

项目实践 | 行人跟踪与摔倒检测报警(文末获取完整源码)_tracker


GCN 帮助我们学习了到空间中相邻关节的局部特征。在此基础上,我们需要学习时间中关节变化的局部特征。如何为 Graph 叠加时序特征,是图卷积网络面临的问题之一。这方面的研究主要有两个思路:时间卷积(TCN)和序列模型(LSTM)。

ST-GCN 使用的是 TCN,由于形状固定,可以使用传统的卷积层完成时间卷积操作。为了便于理解,可以类比图像的卷积操作。st-gcn 的 feature map 最后三个维度的形状为(C,V,T),与图像 feature map 的形状(C,W,H)相对应。

  • 图像的通道数C对应关节的特征数C。

  • 图像的宽W对应关键帧数V。

  • 图像的高H对应关节数T。


在时间卷积中,卷积核的大小为『temporal_kernel_size』×『1』,则每次完成1个节点,temporal_kernel_size 个关键帧的卷积。『stride』为1,则每次移动1帧,完成1个节点后进行下1个节点的卷积。


项目实践 | 行人跟踪与摔倒检测报警(文末获取完整源码)_par_02

输入的数据首先进行batch normalization,然后在经过9个ST-GCN单元,接着是一个global pooling得到每个序列的256维特征向量,最后用SoftMax函数进行分类,得到最后的标签。


ST-GCN 最末卷积层的响应可视化结果图如下:

项目实践 | 行人跟踪与摔倒检测报警(文末获取完整源码)_cam_03



import os
import cv2
import time
import torch
import argparse
import numpy as np

from Detection.Utils import ResizePadding
from CameraLoader import CamLoader, CamLoader_Q
from DetectorLoader import TinyYOLOv3_onecls

from PoseEstimateLoader import SPPE_FastPose
from fn import draw_single

from Track.Tracker import Detection, Tracker
from ActionsEstLoader import TSSTG

# source = '../Data/test_video/test7.mp4'
# source = '../Data/falldata/Home/Videos/video (2).avi'  # hard detect
source = './output/test3.mp4'
# source = 2
def preproc(image):
"""preprocess function for CameraLoader.
    image = resize_fn(image)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
return image

def kpt2bbox(kpt, ex=20):
"""Get bbox that hold on all of the keypoints (x,y)
    kpt: array of shape `(N, 2)`,
    ex: (int) expand bounding box,
    return np.array((kpt[:, 0].min() - ex, kpt[:, 1].min() - ex,
                     kpt[:, 0].max() + ex, kpt[:, 1].max() + ex))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    par = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Human Fall Detection Demo.')
    par.add_argument('-C', '--camera', default=source,  # required=True,  # default=2,
                     help='Source of camera or video file path.')
    par.add_argument('--detection_input_size', type=int, default=384,
                     help='Size of input in detection model in square must be divisible by 32 (int).')
    par.add_argument('--pose_input_size', type=str, default='224x160',
                     help='Size of input in pose model must be divisible by 32 (h, w)')
    par.add_argument('--pose_backbone', type=str, default='resnet50', help='Backbone model for SPPE FastPose model.')
    par.add_argument('--show_detected', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show all bounding box from detection.')
    par.add_argument('--show_skeleton', default=True, action='store_true', help='Show skeleton pose.')
    par.add_argument('--save_out', type=str, default='./output/output3.mp4', help='Save display to video file.')
    par.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda', help='Device to run model on cpu or cuda.')
    args = par.parse_args()

    device = args.device

    inp_dets = args.detection_input_size
    detect_model = TinyYOLOv3_onecls(inp_dets, device=device)

    inp_pose = args.pose_input_size.split('x')
    inp_pose = (int(inp_pose[0]), int(inp_pose[1]))
    pose_model = SPPE_FastPose(args.pose_backbone, inp_pose[0], inp_pose[1], device=device)

# Tracker.
    max_age = 30
    tracker = Tracker(max_age=max_age, n_init=3)

# Actions Estimate.
    action_model = TSSTG()

    resize_fn = ResizePadding(inp_dets, inp_dets)

    cam_source = args.camera
if type(cam_source) is str and os.path.isfile(cam_source):
# Use loader thread with Q for video file.
        cam = CamLoader_Q(cam_source, queue_size=1000, preprocess=preproc).start()
# Use normal thread loader for webcam.
        cam = CamLoader(int(cam_source) if cam_source.isdigit() else cam_source,

# frame_size = cam.frame_size
    # scf = torch.min(inp_size / torch.FloatTensor([frame_size]), 1)[0]
    outvid = False
    if args.save_out != '':
        outvid = True
        codec = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
print((inp_dets * 2, inp_dets * 2))
        writer = cv2.VideoWriter(args.save_out, codec, 25, (inp_dets * 2, inp_dets * 2))

    fps_time = 0
    f = 0
    while cam.grabbed():
        f += 1
        frame = cam.getitem()
        image = frame.copy()

# Detect humans bbox in the frame with detector model.
        detected = detect_model.detect(frame, need_resize=False, expand_bb=10)

# Predict each tracks bbox of current frame from previous frames information with Kalman filter.
# Merge two source of predicted bbox together.
        for track in tracker.tracks:
            det = torch.tensor([track.to_tlbr().tolist() + [0.5, 1.0, 0.0]], dtype=torch.float32)
            detected = torch.cat([detected, det], dim=0) if detected is not None else det

        detections = []  # List of Detections object for tracking.
        if detected is not None:
# detected = non_max_suppression(detected[None, :], 0.45, 0.2)[0]
            # Predict skeleton pose of each bboxs.
            poses = pose_model.predict(frame, detected[:, 0:4], detected[:, 4])

# Create Detections object.
            detections = [Detection(kpt2bbox(ps['keypoints'].numpy()),
                                                    ps['kp_score'].numpy()), axis=1),
                                    ps['kp_score'].mean().numpy()) for ps in poses]

            if args.show_detected:
for bb in detected[:, 0:5]:
                    frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (bb[0], bb[1]), (bb[2], bb[3]), (0, 0, 255), 1)

# Update tracks by matching each track information of current and previous frame or
        # create a new track if no matched.

# Predict Actions of each track.
        for i, track in enumerate(tracker.tracks):
if not track.is_confirmed():
            track_id = track.track_id
            bbox = track.to_tlbr().astype(int)
            center = track.get_center().astype(int)

            action = 'pending..'
            clr = (0, 255, 0)
# Use 30 frames time-steps to prediction.
            if len(track.keypoints_list) == 30:
                pts = np.array(track.keypoints_list, dtype=np.float32)
                out = action_model.predict(pts, frame.shape[:2])
                action_name = action_model.class_names[out[0].argmax()]
                action = '{}: {:.2f}%'.format(action_name, out[0].max() * 100)
if action_name == 'Fall Down':
                    clr = (255, 0, 0)
elif action_name == 'Lying Down':
                    clr = (255, 200, 0)

            if track.time_since_update == 0:
if args.show_skeleton:
                    frame = draw_single(frame, track.keypoints_list[-1])
                frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), (0, 255, 0), 1)
                frame = cv2.putText(frame, str(track_id), (center[0], center[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 0, 0), 2)
                frame = cv2.putText(frame, action, (bbox[0] + 5, bbox[1] + 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.4, clr, 1)

# Show Frame.
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=2., fy=2.)
        frame = cv2.putText(frame, '%d, FPS: %f' % (f, 1.0 / (time.time() - fps_time)), (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1)
        frame = frame[:, :, ::-1]
        fps_time = time.time()

if outvid:

        cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
    # Clear resource.
if outvid:



项目实践 | 行人跟踪与摔倒检测报警(文末获取完整源码)_torch_04



项目实践 | 行人跟踪与摔倒检测报警(文末获取完整源码)_numpy_05