iftop可以查看指定网卡上的流量情况, 命令说明

iftop: display bandwidth usage on an interface by host

Synopsis: iftop -h | [-npblNBP] [-i interface] [-f filter code]
[-F net/mask] [-G net6/mask6]

-h display this message
-n don't do hostname lookups
-N don't convert port numbers to services
-p run in promiscuous mode (show traffic between other
hosts on the same network segment)
-b don't display a bar graph of traffic
-B display bandwidth in bytes
-a display bandwidth in packets
-i interface listen on named interface
-f filter code use filter code to select packets to count
(default: none, but only IP packets are counted)
-F net/mask show traffic flows in/out of IPv4 network
-G net6/mask6 show traffic flows in/out of IPv6 network
-l display and count link-local IPv6 traffic (default: off)
-P show ports as well as hosts
-m limit sets the upper limit for the bandwidth scale
-c config file specifies an alternative configuration file
-t use text interface without ncurses

Sorting orders:
-o 2s Sort by first column (2s traffic average)
-o 10s Sort by second column (10s traffic average) [default]
-o 40s Sort by third column (40s traffic average)
-o source Sort by source address
-o destination Sort by destination address

The following options are only available in combination with -t
-s num print one single text output afer num seconds, then quit
-L num number of lines to print

iftop, version 1.0pre4
copyright (c) 2002 Paul Warren <pdw@ex-parrot.com> and contributors

如果要查看内网连接的各个IP的流量情况, 使用命令

iftop -i br-lan


10b               1.00Kb            100Kb             10.0Mb      1.00Gb
└───────┴─────────────────┴─────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────────────── => x240.lan 2.96Mb 2.21Mb 2.25Mb
<= 172Kb 127Kb 130Kb => Honor_V8.lan 671Kb 899Kb 735Kb
<= 14.5Kb 14.7Kb 12.9Kb => 20180331KQT.lan 485Kb 840Kb 329Kb
<= 17.6Kb 40.1Kb 18.4Kb => 20180331KQT.lan 0b 184Kb 75.8Kb
<= 0b 34.9Kb 12.8Kb => 0b 116Kb 29.0Kb
<= 0b 5.53Kb 1.38Kb => 478Kb 95.6Kb 23.9Kb
<= 23.6Kb 4.73Kb 1.18Kb => EDZ-20180331KQT.lan 0b 77.1Kb 41.9Kb
<= 0b 12.4Kb 6.69Kb

TX: cum: 175MB peak: 4.69Mb rates: 4.66Mb 4.47Mb 4.21Mb
RX: 8.49MB 498Kb 277Kb 293Kb 305Kb
TOTAL: 183MB 5.16Mb 4.93Mb 4.75Mb 4.50Mb


第一行是刻度, 因为下面显示的每一个连接, 都会根据流量大小高亮显示, 根据的是第一行的刻度. 刻度默认显示的是普通坐标, 按L(大写)可以在普通坐标和对数坐标之间切换

第二行之后是每一个有流量的连接, 箭头表示流向, 右侧的三个数, 分别表示最近的2s, 10s, 40s的平均流量

底部三行, 分别是TX出向, RX入向, TOTAL总计三个维度的统计, 每个维度里面显示的数值分别为cum合计, peak峰值, rates: 2s, 10s, 40s的流量均值

运行时可以使用的命令, 可以通过按h(小写)查看


查看系统日志, 可以用 logread 命令