Server Side Attacks - NEXPOSE

NeXpose is a vulnerability management framework, it allows us to discover, assess and act on discovered vulnerabilities, it also tells us a lot of info about the discovered vulnerabilities, whether they are exploitable and helps us write a report at the end of the assessment.

 Installation Steps:

1. Download it from

2. Stop postgresql  > service postgresql stop

3. Change permissions to executable. > chmod +x [installer file name]

4. Run installer > ./[installer file name]

Install Nexpose step by step:

 Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(7)_ide


 Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(7)_Nexpose_02


 Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(7)_linux_03


 Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(7)_linux_04


 Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(7)_Hacking_05


 Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(7)_ide_06


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