Problem Reason Reference
Moving Zeroes
Sort Colors
Corner cases  
Shortest Word Distance Thought: 2 ptr chasing  
Merge 2 sorted Lists
Remove Linked List Elem
Corner cases  
Power of Four Thought: fun bit ops  
Pow(x, n) int overflow  
Rectangle Area Thought  
Merge Sorted Array Thought: from the back  
Count Primes Corner cases  
First Bad Version Corner cases  
Rotate Array Thought: Multiple solutions  
Counting Bits Thought: Fun DP  
Top K Frequent Elements Thought: BUCKETING!  
Isomorphic Strings Thought: note - bidirectional  
Excel Sheet Column Title Thought: list first several cases  
Bulb Switcher Math\Brainteaser  
Word Pattern Corner case  
Majority Number Thought: counting strategy More thoughts
Add Digits Math, or by samples LC Forum
Power of 3 Math LC Forum
Factorial Trailing Zeros Math\counting  
Generate Parentheses DFS fun  
Longest Inc Path in Matrix DFS + Memorized Search  
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal DFS->Iterative LC Forum
Reverse Words in a String Note the copy trick! LC Forum
House Robber DP: fun !  
Paint Fence DP: fun !  
Binary Search Tree Iterator Stack\Iterator  
Count Numbers with Unique Digits Math: Combinatorics  
Combinations Note the backtracking one  
Min Stack Stack. Fun  
Integer Break DP, and Math  
strStr() *KMP algo.