
“By multiplying milestones, we transform a long, amorphous race into one with many intermediate ‘finish lines’. As we push through each one, we experience a burst of pride as well as a jolt of energy to charge towards the next one. —Chip and Dan Heath, The Power of Moments”

—Chip and Dan Heath, The Power of Moment




Measure and Grow

Measure and Grow is the way portfolios evaluate their progress towards business agility and determine their next improvement steps. 


Measure and grow describes how to measure the state of Business Agility and how to grow to improve overall economic outcomes. This article is not meant to represent a way to ascertain somebody else’s Portfolio’s performance, but rather for portfolio leaders as well as for the Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE), to self-assess their progress on this journey.





Measuring the journey a portfolio makes towards business agility is not simple, but it is important. It provides a way for Lean-Agile Leaders to lead the change by reflecting on where the portfolio is and what it needs to move forward. 


The SAFe Business Agility Self-Assessment is a tool that helps portfolios evaluate their progress toward business agility. While the Implementation Roadmap provides a script for organizations implementing SAFe, the business agility assessment provides multiple landmarks along this journey for easier navigation. It also allows portfolios to multiply milestones [1] and have more successes to celebrate. 


The assessment is built around the seven core competencies of business agility (see the Business Agility article for more details). 


Each competency then splits into three dimensions, and the assessment provides a set of statements that determine progress along the 21 dimensions shown below in figure 1.

其中,每项能力分为三个维度,评估提供了一组表述说明,这些表述决定了在图1所示的21个维度上的进展。6步学会如何度量业务敏捷并通过度量促进业务增长(附度量表格)_java_04图1 - SAFe 业务敏捷性自我评估

SAFe 业务敏捷性自我评估模板下载(关注公众号“IDCF助手”,回复 “敏捷度量” 即可获得度量表格

There are six steps in the measure and grow process: 

  • Facilitate effective self-assessment of business agility 
  • Analyze the results 
  • Identify growth opportunities 
  • Prioritize and take action 
  • Integrate learning 
  • Celebrate success 


  • 促进业务敏捷性的有效自我评估 

  • 分析结果 

  • 识别增长机会 

  • 优先考虑并采取行动 

  • 整合学习 

  • 庆祝成功



Facilitate effective self-assessment of Business Agility 

The business agility assessment helps portfolios self-assess where they are on their journey. Just sending the assessment out to various participants and asking them to fill out the spreadsheet will not provide the right experience. To assess where a portfolio actually stands requires a facilitated session with someone trained in the nuances of SAFe, such as a SAFe Program Consultant. 


The SAFe business agility self-assessment aims primarily at the portfolio stakeholders or the LACE trying to evaluate next steps. Additional data is available by facilitating self-assessment sessions with Agile Teams, Agile Release Trains (ARTs), and Solution Trains, gathering their views on the competencies and then aggregating the findings. 


After choosing the target audience and deciding the competencies the group should assess, it is important to set the context for the assessment. In other words, what portfolio, Agile Team, ART, or Solution Train we are assessing? It is also important to ensure that all participants understand the 21 dimensions of business agility, as well as the SAFe terminology before attempting the self-assessment. 


Two patterns can be used: 

  1. All participants fill the assessment by themselves and then discuss and analyze the results 
  2. All participants discuss each statement and reach a consensus on the score for each statement 
Both patterns have their benefits and disadvantages. Based on group dynamics, distribution, and time, the facilitator needs to pick the right pattern. 






Analyze the Results 

After the participants have filled out the spreadsheet, or during the discussion in the second pattern, it is important to identify significant variances in opinion. The facilitator should review each area of disagreement and explore the differing views. These might stem from a different understanding of the statement itself, or from disagreement about where the group is in the specific dimension. The goal is to explore the differences to get better alignment of where improvement is needed. 


In addition to the divergence, dimensions that the group has self-assessed as problematic should be explored to understand the reasons that drove people to score themselves low. 


The facilitator should also be aware of the Dunning-Kruger effect, in which people tend to assess their ability as greater than what it really is. [2] This means that dimensions that seem unnaturally high might also require an examination to make sure the group understands the meaning of the statements in question. 

引导者还应该意识到邓宁-克鲁格效应,在这种效应下,人们倾向于认为自己的能力水平要高于实际能力。[2] 这意味着看起来得分高得不自然的维度也可能需要检查,以确保小组理解讨论过程中相关陈述的含义。

If Agile Teams, ARTs, and Solution Trains contributed data, facilitators should use it to contrast against the LACE/leaders opinions of the findings. 




Identify Growth Opportunities

When the group has highlighted the problematic dimensions, it then needs to identify opportunities for improvement. The Business Agility Assessment download includes a set of recommendations for each statement, which can help drive the answer from False to True. Depending on the specific statement, the recommendations might include: 

  • Training 
  • Coaching 
  • Learning opportunities 
  • Various toolkits 


  • 培训 

  • 教练 

  • 学习机会 

  • 各种工具包

The group should explore these recommendations and choose the ones they believe are most relevant to their specific situation. Groups who are more advanced in their results can find guidance in the Accelerate article. 




Prioritize and Take Action

In the spirit of limiting Work in Process (WIP) (see SAFe principle #6) it is important to prioritize the opportunities and choose one or two that will provide the most value immediately. 


Much like prioritizing Features in the Program Backlog uses economic ranking with Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF), the same tool should also be used to identify the best opportunity to pursue. 


For example, we can create a simple table to compare opportunities (three, in this case), as shown in Figure 2.



图2 – 用于计算WSJF的示例电子表格

This approach will help the group select the opportunities that have a high cost of delay (CoD) on the one hand, but can be delivered quickly on the other. For more details on how to prioritize in this way, read the WSJF article. 


The prioritized opportunities must go into the LACE backlog, the Portfolio Backlog, or the Program Backlog to be worked on as soon as possible. The backlog of choice depends on the opportunity. For example, an opportunity to restructure ARTs by running a Value Stream and ART Identification Workshop will likely be on the LACE backlog, while a recommendation to train all Scrum Masters might belong in the program or the portfolio backlog. This depends on where the problems have been identified. 

优先处理的机会必须放进精益敏捷卓越中心的待办事项列表,投资组合待办事项列表或项目待办事项列表中,以便尽快进行处理。哪些可以进入待办事项列表要取决于机会。例如,通过运行“价值流”和“ ART识别工作坊”来重组ARTs的机会很可能会出现在精益敏捷卓越中心的待办事项列表中,而培训所有Scrum Master的建议则可能属于项目或投资组合的待办事项列表。这取决于发现问题的位置。



Integrate Learning

The portfolio or the LACE should re-evaluate their progress toward business agility, probably every Program Increment (PI) or twice a year, and plan the next step. The rate of measurements depends on the opportunities pursued and how fast the portfolio can achieve progress on them to integrate learning and relentlessly improve. 


Creating a baseline of this assessment at the beginning of the transformation, and periodic assessments provide a trend of the improvement and allows the LACE to communicate successes. 




Celebrate Successes

One of the key motivations in multiplying milestones [1] is the ability to inspire people by creating multiple possibilities to celebrate achievements. There are many opportunities to celebrate: every time portfolios, ARTs, and teams move from one level to the next in each dimension; or even manage to change a single statement from False to True (or even to Mostly False). These and other events provide an opportunity for people to realize the achievement that the effort they put into the improvement. 

里程碑[1]的主要动机之一是通过创造多种庆祝成就的可能性来激励人们的能力。有很多值得庆祝的机会:每一次投资组合,ARTs和团队在每个维度上从一个层次转移到另一个层次时,都需要庆祝。甚至设法将单个语句从False更改为True(甚至更改为Mostly False)。这些事件和其他事件为人们提供了一个机会,以实现他们为改进所付出的努力所取得的成就。

These milestones can also provide an opportunity for organizations to gamify the business agility journey. This, in turn, can motivate individuals and teams to intensify their focus on the activities that will drive them and their portfolio to achieve its goals. Celebrating successes creates the impetus for more improvement and advancement on the journey towards business agility. 


In addition, tying the improvement to changes in the global Lean Portfolio Management metrics (LPM) metrics (See the Lean Portfolio Management article for details), and celebrating improvements, connects the effort to the portfolio’s measures of overall success. This drives the entire portfolio to focus on measurement and growth and positive outcomes. 




Learn More

[1] Heath, Chip and Dan. The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact. Simon & Schuster.

[1] Heath,Chip和Dan。瞬间的力量:为什么某些经历会产生非凡的影响。西蒙和舒斯特。

[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect Last updated: 28 September 2019.

[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect 原文最后一次更新于,2019年9月28日。关于度量表格,请关注微信公众号“IDCF助手”,回复关键词“敏捷度量”,即可下载。


- 感谢译者 -

本篇译文来自SAFe DevOps社群的三位群友。原文链接:https://v5preview.scaledagileframework.com/measure-and-grow/

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