Linux shebang line, also known as hashbang or shbang, is a special line of text that begins with #! and is followed by the path to the interpreter that should be used to execute the script. This simple yet powerful feature allows users to write scripts in various scripting languages, such as bash, Python, Perl, and Ruby, and run them as standalone executables on a Linux system.

The shebang line is typically located at the top of a script file and tells the operating system which interpreter should be used to execute the script. For example, a script written in bash would have the following shebang line:


When the script is executed, the kernel will read the shebang line and use the specified interpreter to run the script. This allows users to write scripts in any scripting language supported by Linux without having to specify the interpreter every time the script is run.

One common use case for the shebang line is in writing shell scripts. Shell scripts are text files that contain a series of commands that are executed in sequence. By adding a shebang line at the top of a shell script, users can create powerful and complex scripts that can be run easily from the command line.

Another popular use of the shebang line is in writing CGI scripts for web servers. CGI scripts are programs that are executed by a web server in response to a request from a client. By adding a shebang line at the top of a CGI script, users can specify the interpreter that should be used to run the script when it is accessed through the web server.

In addition to shell scripts and CGI scripts, the shebang line can also be used in writing automation scripts, system administration tasks, and other types of scripts on a Linux system. By using the shebang line, users can create executable scripts that can be easily run from the command line or integrated into other scripts and programs.

Overall, the shebang line is a powerful feature of Linux that allows users to write scripts in various scripting languages and run them as standalone executables. By adding a simple line of text at the top of a script file, users can specify the interpreter that should be used to execute the script and create powerful and versatile scripts for a wide range of tasks.