Penetration Test - Planning and Scoping(5)


    • Web services/application description language
    • XML file with lots of info about web service/application and its interface requirements
  • SOAP project file
    • Not exposed to the public
    • Used by developers in the development environment
    • Simple Object Access Protocol - used to exchange info for web services
    • Project file provides low-level web service interface details (input/output/server info)
  • SDK documentation
    • Software Development Kit (SDK) docs help provide info on tools used to develop software
  • Swagger document
    • A popular open-source framework for developing REST services
    • REST is a lightweight API
    • The document can provide internal info on REST services exposed to clients
  • XSD
    • XML Schema Definition - defines XML document content
  • Sample application requests
    • Well-formed requests, generally to web services
    • Useful when testing web services/applications of all types
  • Architectural diagrams
    • Diagrams of networks and connected devices
    • Helpful when determining targets to attack


  • Find out if any internal resources are available
  • Look for artifacts from application development
  • Also, look for any deployment or support documents
相信未来 - 该面对的绝不逃避,该执著的永不怨悔,该舍弃的不再留念,该珍惜的好好把握。