0. 简述



Go官网:https: ​

package main import "fmt" func main() {     fmt.Println("Hello, World!") }


wang@ubuntu:~/go$ go build -o hello hello.go wang@ubuntu:~/go$ ./hello Hello, World!


wang@ubuntu:~/go$ go run hello.go Hello, World!


GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o hello hello.go wang@ubuntu:~/go$ file hello hello: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped


godoc -http=localhost:6060 -play


可 搜索所有golang库的接口说明。

1. Go编译器



amd64 (also known as x86-64)     386 (x86 or x86-32)   Comparable to the amd64 port. arm (ARM) Supports Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Darwin binaries. Less widely used than the other ports. arm64 (AArch64) Supports Linux and Darwin binaries. New in 1.5 and not as well exercised as other ports. ppc64, ppc64le (64-bit PowerPC big- and little-endian) Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.5 and not as well exercised as other ports. mips, mipsle (32-bit MIPS big- and little-endian) Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.8 and not as well exercised as other ports. mips64, mips64le (64-bit MIPS big- and little-endian) Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.6 and not as well exercised as other ports. s390x (IBM System z) Supports Linux binaries. New in 1.7 and not as well exercised as other ports.

go编译环境可以被定制,与平台和建构相关的是$GOOS和$GOARCH,分别指定目标操作系统和目标建构。常用组合如下:(注:$GOOS是darwin for macOS 10.1及以上和iOS)

$GOOS        $GOARCH android     arm darwin      386 darwin      amd64 darwin      arm darwin      arm64 linux       386 linux       amd64 linux       arm linux       arm64 windows     386 windows     amd64



下载二进制tar包,tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz,一般安装路径为/usr/local,go工具命令要执行需要将/usr/local/go/bin导出到PATH环境变量中(/etc/profile可长期有效)。



sudo apt-get install golang-go




go env可打印go环境变量。


GOPATH指定workspace位置,默认为$home/go,go项目在本地的开发环境的项目根路径(以便项目编译,go build, go install,go get)。若工作在其他目录,需设定GOPATH。export GOPATH=$HOME/go

或直接写到/etc/profile中,然后source /etc/profile


go env GOPATH


For convenience, add the workspace's bin subdirectory to your PATH:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
















2. cgo

Cgo lets Go packages call C code.

The basics

If a Go source file imports ​​"C"​​​, it is using cgo. The Go file will have access to anything appearing in the comment immediately preceding the line ​​import "C"​​, and will be linked against all other cgo comments in other Go files, and all C files included in the build process.

Note that there must be no blank lines in between the cgo comment and the import statement.

To access a symbol originating from the C side, use the package name ​​C​​​. That is, if you want to call the C function ​​printf()​​​ from Go code, you write ​​C.printf()​​​. Since variable argument methods like printf aren't supported yet (issue ​​975​​), we will wrap it in the C method "myprint":

package main  /* #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  void myprint(char* s) {     printf("%s", s); } */ import "C"  import "unsafe"  func main() {     cs := C.CString("Hello from stdio\n")     C.myprint(cs)     C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cs)) }


3. Go交叉编译


If cgo is not required (common go programs, not including c/c++)

The go tool won’t require any bootstrapping if cgo is not required. That allows you to target the following program to any GOOS/GOARCH without requiring you to do any additional work. Invoke go build.

$ cat main.go package main import "fmt" func main() {     fmt.Println("hello world") }

In order to target android/arm, run the following command.

$ GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build .

The produced binary is targeting ARMv7 processors that runs Android. All possible GOOS and GOARCH values are liste 

If cgo is required (including c/c++)

If you need to have cgo enabled, the go tool allows you to provide custom C and C++ compilers via CC and CXX environment variables.

$ CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=android-armeabi-gcc CXX=android-armeabi-g++ \     GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build .

The toolchain will invoke android-armeabi-gcc and android-armeabi-g++ if it is required to compile any part of the package with a C or C++ compiler. Consider the following program with a slightly different main function. Rather than outputting “hello world” to the standard I/O, it will use Android system libraries to write “hello world” to the system log.

$ cat main.go // +build android  package main  // #cgo LDFLAGS: -llog // // #include <android/log.h> // // void hello() { //   __android_log_print( //     ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "MyProgram", "hello world"); // } import "C" func main() {     C.hello() }

If you build the program with the command above and examine the build with -x, you can observe that cgo is delegating the C compilation to arm-linux-androideabi-gcc.

$ CGO_ENABLED=1 \ CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc \ CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++ \ GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -x . ... CGO_LDFLAGS=”-g” “-O2” “-llog” /Users/jbd/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/cgo -objdir $WORK/github.com/rakyll/hello/_obj/ -importpath github.com/rakyll/hello — -I $WORK/github.com/rakyll/hello/_obj/ main.go arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -I . -fPIC -marm -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -print-libgcc-file-name arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -I . -fPIC -marm -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -I $WORK/github.com/rakyll/hello/_obj/ -g -O2 -o $WORK/github.com/rakyll/hello/_obj/_cgo_main.o -c $WORK/github.com/rakyll/hello/_obj/_cgo_main.c ...

Pre-building the standard library

The go tool also provides a utility if you would like to pre-build the standard library, targeting a specific GOOS and GOARCH.

$ CGO_ENABLED=1 \     CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc \     CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++ \     GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go install std

The standard library targeting android/armv7 will be available at $GOROOT/pkg/android_arm.

$ ls $GOROOT/pkg/android_arm archive    fmt.a      math       runtime.a bufio.a    go         math.a     sort.a bytes.a    hash       mime       strconv.a compress   hash.a     mime.a     strings.a container  html       net        sync crypto     html.a     net.a      sync.a crypto.a   image      os         syscall.a database   image.a    os.a       testing debug      index      path       testing.a encoding   internal   path.a     text encoding.a io         reflect.a  time.a errors.a   io.a       regexp     unicode expvar.a   log        regexp.a   unicode.a flag.a     log.a      runtime

If you prefer not to pre-build and install the standard library to the GOROOT, required libraries will be built while building user packages. But, the standard libraries builds are not preserved for future use at this stage and they will be rebuilt each time you run go build.

4. golang代理


golang代理使用proxy.cn, ​


$ export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn

$ export GO111MODULE=on

$ export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn

