1.3.4 Sample Tests(IV)

Follow-up questions

1. What can you do to welcome the new employees?

Suggested answer: Be friendly to the new ones and ready to offer help. If possible, a welcome party could be held to make them feel at home.

2. What can you do to make the new employees feel at ease with the new work environment?

Make sure the new person's work area is ready for the first day of work.

3. Is the orientation program a necessity for the new employees?

Yes. The orientation program will make a significant difference in how quickly a new employee becomes productive and has other long-term impacts for the organization.


4. Should the new employee's supervisor be available to the new employee on the first day?

Yes. The supervisor's presence helps to convey a clear message that the new employee is an important addition to the work team.

5. Is the end of the first day important to the new employee?

Yes. The end of the first day is just as important as the beginning. Help your employees feel that you want them to come back the next day, and the next.


significant: [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] 重要的  impacts: [ɪmˈpækts] 巨大影响 n.   affect: 影响 v.  influence: [ˈɪnfluəns] 影响 n.

presence: [ˈprezns] 在场 n.  convey:  [kənˈveɪ] 传达,表达  an important addition:重要的补充