
file location: ​​res/drawable/filename.xml​

The filename is used as the resource ID.(这个文件名作为资源id) compiled resource datatype:(复杂资源的数据类型) Resource pointer to a GradientDrawable. resource reference): In Java: ​​R.drawable.filename

In XML: ​​@[package:]drawable/filename


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape     xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"     android:shape=["rectangle" | "oval" | "line" | "ring"] >     <corners         android:radius="integer"         android:topLeftRadius="integer"         android:topRightRadius="integer"         android:bottomLeftRadius="integer"         android:bottomRightRadius="integer" />     <gradient         android:angle="integer"         android:centerX="integer"         android:centerY="integer"         android:centerColor="integer"         android:endColor="color"         android:gradientRadius="integer"         android:startColor="color"         android:type=["linear" | "radial" | "sweep"]         android:useLevel=["true" | "false"] />     <padding         android:left="integer"         android:top="integer"         android:right="integer"         android:bottom="integer" />     <size         android:width="integer"         android:height="integer" />     <solid         android:color="color" />     <stroke         android:width="integer"         android:color="color"         android:dashWidth="integer"         android:dashGap="integer" /> </shape>

元素: ​​<shape>​​ The shape drawable. This must be the root element.


​xmlns:android​String. Required. Defines the XML namespace, which must be ​​"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"​​. ​​android:shape​Keyword. Defines the type of shape. Valid values are:(定义这个类型的形状,变量值是:)


A rectangle (长方形)that fills the containing View. This is the default shape.(这个是默认的形状)


An oval (椭圆形)shape that fits the dimensions of the containing View.


A horizontalline that spans the width of the containing View. This shape requires the ​​<stroke>​​ element to define the width of the line.


A ring shape.

The following attributes are used only when ​​android:shape="ring"​​: ​​android:innerRadius​Dimension. The radius for the inner part of the ring (the hole in the middle), as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:innerRadiusRatio​Float. The radius for the inner part of the ring, expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. For instance, if ​​android:innerRadiusRatio="5"​​, then the inner radius equals the ring's width divided by 5. This value is overridden by ​​android:innerRadius​​. Default value is 9. ​​android:thickness​Dimension. The thickness of the ring, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:thicknessRatio​Float. The thickness of the ring, expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. For instance, if ​​android:thicknessRatio="2"​​, then the thickness equals the ring's width divided by 2. This value is overridden by ​​android:innerRadius​​. Default value is 3. ​​android:useLevel​Boolean. "true" if this is used as a ​​LevelListDrawable​​. This should normally be "false" or your shape may not appear. ​​<corners>​​ Creates rounded corners for the shape. Applies only when the shape is a rectangle.创建圆角的形状。仅适用于当其形状是一个长方形。


​android:radius​Dimension. The radius for all corners, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. This is overridden for each corner by the following attributes. ​​android:topLeftRadius​Dimension. The radius for the top-left corner, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:topRightRadius​Dimension. The radius for the top-right corner, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:bottomLeftRadius​Dimension. The radius for the bottom-left corner, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:bottomRightRadius​Dimension. The radius for the bottom-right corner, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​. Note: Every corner must (initially) be provided a corner radius greater than 1, or else no corners are rounded. If you want specific corners to notbe rounded, a work-around is to use ​​android:radius​​ to set a default corner radius greater than 1, but then override each and every corner with the values you really want, providing zero ("0dp") where you don't want rounded corners. ​​<gradient>​​ Specifies a gradient color for the shape.指定一个渐变颜色的形状。


​android:angle​Integer. The angle for the gradient, in degrees. 0 is left to right, 90 is bottom to top. It must be a multiple of 45. Default is 0. ​​android:centerX​Float. The relative X-position for the center of the gradient (0 - 1.0). ​​android:centerY​Float. The relative Y-position for the center of the gradient (0 - 1.0). ​​android:centerColor​Color. Optional color that comes between the start and end colors, as a hexadecimal value or ​​color resource​​​. ​​android:endColor​Color. The ending color, as a hexadecimal value or ​​color resource​​​. ​​android:gradientRadius​Float. The radius for the gradient. Only applied when ​​android:type="radial"​​. ​​android:startColor​Color. The starting color, as a hexadecimal value or ​​color resource​​​. ​​android:type​Keyword. The type of gradient pattern to apply. Valid values are:


A linear gradient. This is the default.


A radial gradient. The start color is the center color.


A sweeping line gradient.

​android:useLevel​Boolean. "true" if this is used as a ​​LevelListDrawable​​. ​​<padding>​​ Padding to apply to the containing View element (this pads the position of the View content, not the shape).适用于包含填充视图元素(这垫的位置,而不是观点内容的形状)


​android:left​Dimension. Left padding, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:top​Dimension. Top padding, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:right​Dimension. Right padding, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:bottom​Dimension. Bottom padding, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​<size>​​ The size of the shape.


​android:height​Dimension. The height of the shape, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:width​Dimension. The width of the shape, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​. Note: The shape scales to the size of the container View proportionate to the dimensions defined here, by default. When you use the shape in an ​​ImageView​​, you can restrict scaling by setting the ​​android:scaleType​​ to ​​"center"​​. ​​<solid>​​ A solid color to fill the shape.


​android:color​Color. The color to apply to the shape, as a hexadecimal value or ​​color resource​​​. ​​<stroke>​​ A stroke line for the shape.


​android:width​Dimension. The thickness of the line, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. ​​android:color​Color. The color of the line, as a hexadecimal value or ​​color resource​​​. ​​android:dashGap​Dimension. The distance between line dashes, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. Only valid if ​​android:dashWidth​​ is set. ​​android:dashWidth​Dimension. The size of each dash line, as a dimension value or ​​dimension resource​​​. Only valid if ​​android:dashGap​​ is set. example: XML file saved at ​​res/drawable/gradient_box.xml​​:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"     android:shape="rectangle">     <gradient         android:startColor="#FFFF0000"         android:endColor="#80FF00FF"         android:angle="45"/>     <padding android:left="7dp"         android:top="7dp"         android:right="7dp"         android:bottom="7dp" />     <corners android:radius="8dp" /> </shape>

This layout XML applies the shape drawable to a View:

<TextView     android:background="@drawable/gradient_box"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_width="wrap_content" />

This application code gets the shape drawable and applies it to a View:

Resources res = getResources(); Drawable shape = res. getDrawable(R.drawable.gradient_box);  TextView tv = (TextView)findViewByID(R.id.textview); tv.setBackground(shape);

gradient -- 对应颜色渐变。 startcolor、endcolor就不多说了。 android:angle 是指从哪个角度开始变。




solid -- 填充。



stroke -- 描边。


android:width="2dp" 描边的宽度,android:color 描边的颜色。





corners -- 圆角。





android:topRightRadius="20dp" 右上角

android:bottomLeftRadius="20dp" 右下角

android:topLeftRadius="1dp" 左上角

android:bottomRightRadius="0dp" 左下角



padding -- 定义内容离边界的距离。 与android:padding_left、android:padding_right这些是一个道理。
