您觉得ASP.NET Routing中最令人摸不着头脑的设计是什么?我认为是RouteBase类:

public abstract class RouteBase
protected RouteBase() { }
public abstract RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext);
public abstract VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(
RequestContext requestContext,
RouteValueDictionary values);


public interface IRoute
RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext);
VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(
RequestContext requestContext,
RouteValueDictionary values);



public abstract class RouteBase : IRoute
// reusable implementations
public class Route : RouteBase
// concrete implementations

事实上,.NET平台上有许多类库也遵循了这个做法。一个典型的做法便是​​ASP.NET AJAX​​框架的Extender模型:

public interface IExtenderControl { }
public abstract class ExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl { }

甚至在​​ASP.NET AJAX Control Tookit​​项目中,还有更进一步的扩展:

public abstract class ExtenderControlBase : ExtenderControl { }
public class AnimationExtenderControlBase : ExtenderControlBase { }
public class AutoCompleteExtender : AnimationExtenderControlBase { }

看来微软在项目团队内部推广《Framework Design Guidelines》还不够彻底。

在.NET平台下,一个没有任何实现的,纯粹的抽象类可谓有百害而无一利1。我很怀疑写这段代码的人刚从C++切换到C#——但是ASP.NET Routing中其实也有接口(如IRouteConstraint),为什么作者自己没有意识到,也没有人提出不同意见呢?微软开发团队应该有着严格的Code Review过程,怎么会让这样的代码正式发布?要知道一个接口一旦公开,就不可以删除了。也就是说,微软很难弥补这个错误。


public abstract class CodeDomProvider : Component
"Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should
instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.
Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this
interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this
public abstract ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler();
"Callers should not use the ICodeParser interface and should
instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.
Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this
interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this
public virtual ICodeParser CreateParser();
