1) 具体思路:学号对应姓名,课程编号对应课程名,然后判断Sc表中学号对应的姓名,dsec调整降序输出,distinct去重/group by 去重 select distinct Sname from S,C,SC where S.Sno = SC.Sno and C.Cno = SC.Cno and C.Cname = 's数据库' order by Sname desc; 或者通过group by 进行只保证一个学生 select Sname from S,C,SC where S.Sno = SC.Sno adn C.Cno = SC.Cno and C.Cname = 's数据库' group by Sname desc; 2) select S.Sno , sum(C.Ccredit) from C , SC where C.Cno = SC.Cno and SC.Grade >=60 group by Sno having sum(C.Ccredit) > 80 ; 3) alter table SC add(Teacher char(20) not null); 4) create view SCSum as select C.Cno , sum(SC.Grade) from SC group by Sno ; 5) delete from Sc where not exists (select * from S.Sno = SC.Sno);