python flask detect browser language_flask


No problem. We won't show you that ad again. Why didn't you like it?

  • Uninteresting
  • Misleading
  • Offensive
  • Repetitive
  • Other

​Oops! I didn't mean to do this.​

2 Answers                                 2

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No problem. We won't show you that ad again. Why didn't you like it?

  • Uninteresting
  • Misleading
  • Offensive
  • Repetitive
  • Other

​Oops! I didn't mean to do this.​

         up vote0down vote

Check out Werkzeug's ​​LanguageAccept data structure​​, or just try something like this to get a best match:

supported_languages = ["en", "nl", "it"]
lang = request.accept_languages.best_match(supported_languages)

If you need more than that, then check out ​​Flask-Babel​​.

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