#endif  // _WIN32 }  class FileStream::FileStreamPrivate { public:   FileStreamPrivate(const FileName &fileName)     : file(InvalidFileHandle)     , name(fileName)     , readOnly(true)   {   }    FileHandle file;   FileNameHandle name;   bool readOnly; };  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // public members ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  FileStream::FileStream(FileName fileName, bool openReadOnly)   : d(new FileStreamPrivate(fileName)) {   // First try with read / write mode, if that fails, fall back to read only.    if(!openReadOnly)     d->file = openFile(fileName, false);    if(d->file != InvalidFileHandle)     d->readOnly = false;   else     d->file = openFile(fileName, true);    if(d->file == InvalidFileHandle)   { # ifdef _WIN32     debug("Could not open file " + fileName.toString()); # else     debug("Could not open file " + String(static_cast(d->name))); # endif   } }  FileStream::~FileStream() {   if(isOpen())     closeFile(d->file);    delete d; }  FileName FileStream::name() const {   return d->name; }  ByteVector FileStream::readBlock(ulong length) {   if(!isOpen()) {     debug("FileStream::readBlock() -- invalid file.");     return ByteVector::null;   }    if(length == 0)     return ByteVector::null;    const ulong streamLength = static_cast(FileStream::length());   if(length > bufferSize() && length > streamLength)     length = streamLength;    ByteVector buffer(static_cast(length));    const size_t count = readFile(d->file, buffer);   buffer.resize(static_cast(count));    return buffer; }  void FileStream::writeBlock(const ByteVector &data) {   if(!isOpen()) {     debug("FileStream::writeBlock() -- invalid file.");     return;   }    if(readOnly()) {     debug("FileStream::writeBlock() -- read only file.");     return;   }    writeFile(d->file, data); }  void FileStream::insert(const ByteVector &data, ulong start, ulong replace) {   if(!isOpen()) {     debug("FileStream::insert() -- invalid file.");     return;   }    if(readOnly()) {     debug("FileStream::insert() -- read only file.");     return;   }    if(data.size() == replace) {     seek(start);     writeBlock(data);     return;   }   else if(data.size() < replace) {     seek(start);     writeBlock(data);     removeBlock(start + data.size(), replace - data.size());     return;   }    // Woohoo!  Faster (about 20%) than id3lib at last.  I had to get hardcore   // and avoid TagLib's high level API for rendering just copying parts of   // the file that don't contain tag data.   //   // Now I'll explain the steps in this ugliness:    // First, make sure that we're working with a buffer that is longer than   // the *differnce* in the tag sizes.  We want to avoid overwriting parts   // that aren't yet in memory, so this is necessary.    ulong bufferLength = bufferSize();    while(data.size() - replace > bufferLength)     bufferLength += bufferSize();    // Set where to start the reading and writing.    long readPosition = start + replace;   long writePosition = start;    ByteVector buffer = data;   ByteVector aboutToOverwrite(static_cast(bufferLength));    while(true)   {     // Seek to the current read position and read the data that we're about     // to overwrite.  Appropriately increment the readPosition.      seek(readPosition);     const size_t bytesRead = readFile(d->file, aboutToOverwrite);     aboutToOverwrite.resize(bytesRead);     readPosition += bufferLength;      // Check to see if we just read the last block.  We need to call clear()     // if we did so that the last write succeeds.      if(bytesRead < bufferLength)       clear();      // Seek to the write position and write our buffer.  Increment the     // writePosition.      seek(writePosition);     writeBlock(buffer);      // We hit the end of the file.      if(bytesRead == 0)       break;      writePosition += buffer.size();      // Make the current buffer the data that we read in the beginning.      buffer = aboutToOverwrite;   } }  void FileStream::removeBlock(ulong start, ulong length) {   if(!isOpen()) {     debug("FileStream::removeBlock() -- invalid file.");     return;   }    ulong bufferLength = bufferSize();    long readPosition = start + length;   long writePosition = start;    ByteVector buffer(static_cast(bufferLength));    for(size_t bytesRead = -1; bytesRead != 0;)   {     seek(readPosition);     bytesRead = readFile(d->file, buffer);     readPosition += bytesRead;      // Check to see if we just read the last block.  We need to call clear()     // if we did so that the last write succeeds.      if(bytesRead < buffer.size()) {       clear();       buffer.resize(bytesRead);     }      seek(writePosition);     writeFile(d->file, buffer);      writePosition += bytesRead;   }    truncate(writePosition); }  bool FileStream::readOnly() const {   return d->readOnly; }  bool FileStream::isOpen() const {   return (d->file != InvalidFileHandle); }  void FileStream::seek(long offset, Position p) {   if(!isOpen()) {     debug("FileStream::seek() -- invalid file.");     return;   }  #ifdef _WIN32    DWORD whence;   switch(p) {   case Beginning:     whence = FILE_BEGIN;     break;   case Current:     whence = FILE_CURRENT;     break;   case End:     whence = FILE_END;     break;   default:     debug("FileStream::seek() -- Invalid Position value.");     return;   }  #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP | WINAPI_PARTITION_SYSTEM)   LARGE_INTEGER distance = { 0 };   distance.QuadPart = offset;    if (!SetFilePointerEx(d->file, distance, NULL, whence)) #else   SetLastError(NO_ERROR);   SetFilePointer(d->file, offset, NULL, whence);    const int lastError = GetLastError();   if(lastError != NO_ERROR && lastError != ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK) #endif     debug("FileStream::seek() -- Failed to set the file pointer.");  #else    int whence;   switch(p) {   case Beginning:     whence = SEEK_SET;     break;   case Current:     whence = SEEK_CUR;     break;   case End:     whence = SEEK_END;     break;   default:     debug("FileStream::seek() -- Invalid Position value.");     return;   }    fseek(d->file, offset, whence);  #endif }  void FileStream::clear() { #ifdef _WIN32    // NOP  #else    clearerr(d->file);  #endif }  long FileStream::tell() const { #ifdef _WIN32  #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP | WINAPI_PARTITION_SYSTEM)   LARGE_INTEGER distance = { 0 };   LARGE_INTEGER position = { 0 };   if (SetFilePointerEx(d->file, distance, &position, FILE_CURRENT)) {     return static_cast(position.QuadPart);   } #else   SetLastError(NO_ERROR);   const DWORD position = SetFilePointer(d->file, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);   if(GetLastError() == NO_ERROR) {     return static_cast(position);   } #endif   else {     debug("FileStream::tell() -- Failed to get the file pointer.");     return 0;   }  #else    return ftell(d->file);  #endif }  long FileStream::length() {   if(!isOpen()) {     debug("FileStream::length() -- invalid file.");     return 0;   }  #ifdef _WIN32  #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP | WINAPI_PARTITION_SYSTEM)   LARGE_INTEGER fileSize = { 0 };    if (GetFileSizeEx(d->file, &fileSize)) {    return static_cast(fileSize.QuadPart);   } #else   SetLastError(NO_ERROR);   const DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(d->file, NULL);    if (GetLastError() == NO_ERROR) {    return static_cast(fileSize);   } #endif   else {    debug("FileStream::length() -- Failed to get the file size.");    return 0;   }  #else    const long curpos = tell();    seek(0, End);   const long endpos = tell();    seek(curpos, Beginning);    return endpos;  #endif }  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // protected members ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  void FileStream::truncate(long length) { #ifdef _WIN32    const long currentPos = tell();    seek(length);    SetLastError(NO_ERROR);   SetEndOfFile(d->file);   if(GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) {     debug("FileStream::truncate() -- Failed to truncate the file.");   }    seek(currentPos);  #else    const int error = ftruncate(fileno(d->file), length);   if(error != 0) {     debug("FileStream::truncate() -- Coundn't truncate the file.");   }  #endif }  TagLib::uint FileStream::bufferSize() {   return 1024; }


/***************************************************************************     copyright            : (C) 2013 by Tsuda Kageyu     email                : tsuda.kageyu@gmail.com  ***************************************************************************/  /***************************************************************************  *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version   *  *   2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.                     *  *                                                                         *  *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   *  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *  *   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU     *  *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *  *                                                                         *  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *  *   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software   *  *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA         *  *   02110-1301  USA                                                       *  *                                                                         *  *   Alternatively, this file is available under the Mozilla Public        *  *   License Version 1.1.  You may obtain a copy of the License at         *  *   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/                                           *  ***************************************************************************/  #include "tdebuglistener.h"  #include  #include   #ifdef _WIN32 # include  #endif  using namespace TagLib;  namespace {   class DefaultListener : public DebugListener   {   public:     virtual void printMessage(const String &msg)     { #ifdef _WIN32        const wstring wstr = msg.toWString(); #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP | WINAPI_PARTITION_SYSTEM)    OutputDebugStringW(wstr.c_str()); #else       const int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);       if(len != 0) {         std::vector buf(len);         WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr.c_str(), -1, &buf[0], len, NULL, NULL);          std::cerr << std::string(&buf[0]);       } #endif  #else        std::cerr << msg;  #endif      }   };    DefaultListener defaultListener; }  namespace TagLib {   DebugListener *debugListener = &defaultListener;    DebugListener::DebugListener()   {   }    DebugListener::~DebugListener()   {   }    void setDebugListener(DebugListener *listener)   {     if(listener)       debugListener = listener;     else       debugListener = &defaultListener;   } }
