N'if exists(select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'
drop proc '+quotename(name)+N'
GO' as nvarchar(4000))
into ## from sysobjects
where xtype='p'
and status>=0
insert ##(text) select text
select c.id,c.number,s1=0,c.text
from sysobjects o,syscomments c
where o.id=c.id
and o.xtype='p'
and o.status>=0
union all
select c.id,c.number,s1=1,'go'
from sysobjects o,syscomments c
where o.id=c.id
and o.xtype='p'
and o.status>=0
)a order by id,number,s1
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select text from ## order by id" queryout "c:\a.sql" /T /c',no_output
drop table ##