#define ev_io_init(ev,cb,fd,events)    /     
do { ev_init ((ev), (cb)); ev_io_set ((ev),(fd),(events)); } while (0)/



ev_init ((ev), (cb));就是把watcher进行初始化,把回调设置进去;


/* invoked when fd is either EV_READable or EV_WRITEable */
/* revent EV_READ, EV_WRITE */
typedef struct ev_io
EV_WATCHER_LIST (ev_io)//watcher链表

int fd; /* ro */
int events; /* ro */
} ev_io;


ev_io_set ((ev),(fd),(events));就是把watcher的fd 和 events分别进行设置。


#include <ev.h>
#include <stdio.h> // for puts

// every watcher type has its own typedef'd struct
// with the name ev_TYPE
ev_io stdin_watcher;

// all watcher callbacks have a similar signature
// this callback is called when data is readable on stdin
static void stdin_cb (EV_P_ ev_io *w, int revents)//时间回调
puts ("stdin ready");
// for one-shot events, one must manually stop the watcher
// with its corresponding stop function.
ev_io_stop (EV_A_ w);

// this causes all nested ev_run's to stop iterating
ev_break (EV_A_ EVBREAK_ALL);

int main (void)
// use the default event loop unless you have special needs
struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT;

// initialise an io watcher, then start it
// this one will watch for stdin to become readable
ev_io_init (&stdin_watcher, stdin_cb, /*STDIN_FILENO*/ 0, EV_READ);
ev_io_start (loop, &stdin_watcher);

// now wait for events to arrive
ev_run (loop, 0);

// break was called, so exit
return 0;




void noinline ev_io_start (EV_P_ ev_io *w) EV_THROW
int fd = w->fd;

if (expect_false (ev_is_active (w)))

assert (("libev: ev_io_start called with negative fd", fd >= 0));
assert (("libev: ev_io_start called with illegal event mask", !(w->events & ~(EV__IOFDSET | EV_READ | EV_WRITE))));


ev_start (EV_A_ (W)w, 1);
array_needsize (ANFD, anfds, anfdmax, fd + 1, array_init_zero);
wlist_add (&anfds[fd].head, (WL)w);

/* common bug, apparently */
assert (("libev: ev_io_start called with corrupted watcher", ((WL)w)->next != (WL)w));

fd_change (EV_A_ fd, w->events & EV__IOFDSET | EV_ANFD_REIFY);
w->events &= ~EV__IOFDSET;




inline_speed void ev_start (EV_P_ W w, int active)
pri_adjust (EV_A_ w);//设置优先级,其中会check io的pri,然后把check后的pri设置进去,如果我们默认pri=0,其实调用前后木有神马变化
w->active = active;//active=1,表示设置为active
ev_ref (EV_A);//loop里的activecnt进行++,就是对io进行统计吧

wlist_add (&anfds[fd].head, (WL)w);//对一个fd 添加需要的事件列表,不过还木有看见过对一个fd添加很多事件的情况


/* singly-linked list management, used when the expected list length is short */ 

inline_size void wlist_add (WL *head, WL elem)//很明显是头插法,把当前watecher插到list头部,然后替换

elem->next = *head;
*head = elem;


/* something about the given fd changed */
inline_size void fd_change (EV_P_ int fd, int flags)
unsigned char reify = anfds [fd].reify;
anfds [fd].reify |= flags;

if (expect_true (!reify))
array_needsize (int, fdchanges, fdchangemax, fdchangecnt, EMPTY2);
fdchanges [fdchangecnt - 1] = fd;
