select c.item_id,
        c.type as item_type, c.item_name , floor(c.item_price) as item_price, c.item_unit,
        c.state as item_state_code,
        case c.state   when 0 then '停用' when 1 then '启用' end as item_state_name,
        case b.state when 0 then '已终止' when 1 then '待付款' when 2 then '预约中' when 3 then '待咨询'  when 4 then '咨询中'  when 5 then '待评价'
             when 7 then '待退款' when 8 then '退款_售后' when 9 then '已完成' end as order_state_name,
        b.appointment_time ,
        case dayofweek(b.appointment_time)  when 1 then '周日' when 2 then '周一' when 3 then '周二'
            when 4 then '周三' when 5 then '周四' when 6 then '周五' when 7 then '周六' end as week,
        DATE_FORMAT(b.appointment_time, '%H:%i')    as time
      from consultation_item c  left join
    ( select a.order_id, a.state, a.doctor_user_id, a.category, d.appointment_time from consultation_order a , consultation_rec d
     where   a.doctor_user_id=1 and a.patient_id=2 and a.order_id = d.order_id
     group by  a.category order by pay_time desc
     ) b
    on c.user_id = b.doctor_user_id and c.type=b.category
    where c.user_id = 1
    order by c.type asc;

