


2.以下是使用和wx这些功能的例子,在MinGW(g++),msys(make)下编译.g++ 4.4,我用的eclipse CDT建的工程,单是编译的话直接用make就好了,不须要eclipse.


wxbase292u_gcc_custom.dll (6,461 kb) wxmsw292u_adv_gcc_custom.dll (5,498 kb) wxmsw292u_core_gcc_custom.dll (12,237 kb)



/*  * my_app.h  *  *  Created on: 2013-5-30  *  Author: Sai  */  #ifndef MY_APP_H_ #define MY_APP_H_  #include "wx/wx.h"  class MyApp: public wxApp { public:  MyApp();  virtual ~MyApp();   bool OnInit(); };  #endif /* MY_APP_H_ */


/*  * my_app.cpp  *  *  Created on: 2013-5-30  *  Author: Sai  */  #include "my_app.h" #include "my_frame.h"  IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp)  MyApp::MyApp() {  }  MyApp::~MyApp() {  }  bool MyApp::OnInit() {  MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame();  frame->Create(wxID_ANY,wxT("infoworld"));   SetTopWindow(frame);  frame->Show(true);  return true; }



/*  * my_frame.h  *  *  Created on: 2013-5-30  *  Author: Sai  */  #ifndef MY_FRAME_H_ #define MY_FRAME_H_  #include "wx/wx.h"  /**  * Show Example  *  * 1.menu  * 2.event  * 3.thread  * 4.dc  * 5.control  */ class MyFrame : public wxFrame {  DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE()  DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyFrame) public:  MyFrame();  virtual ~MyFrame();  virtual bool Create(wxWindowID id, const wxString& title);  protected:  void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);  void OnThread(wxCommandEvent& event);  void OnThreadUpdate(wxThreadEvent& event);  void OnPaintPanel(wxPaintEvent& event); private:  wxGauge* gauge_;  wxPanel *panel_; };  #endif /* MY_FRAME_H_ */


/*  * my_frame.cpp  *  *  Created on: 2013-5-30  *  Author: Sai  */  #include "my_frame.h"  namespace { enum {  kGauge = 1, kButton, kThreadUpdateId }; }  class MyThread: public wxThread { public:  MyThread(MyFrame *handler) :    wxThread(wxTHREAD_DETACHED)  {   m_pHandler = handler;  }  ~MyThread()  {  }  void Execute()  {   Create();   Run();  }  protected:  virtual ExitCode Entry()  {   for (int i = 1; i < 11; ++i)   {    //1.asynchronous update,communicate with main thread.    wxThreadEvent* event = new wxThreadEvent(wxEVT_THREAD,      kThreadUpdateId);    event->SetInt(i * 10);    wxQueueEvent(m_pHandler->GetEventHandler(), event);   }   return (wxThread::ExitCode) 0;  }  MyFrame *m_pHandler; }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnQuit) EVT_BUTTON(kButton, MyFrame::OnThread) EVT_THREAD(kThreadUpdateId, MyFrame::OnThreadUpdate) END_EVENT_TABLE()  IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyFrame, wxFrame)  MyFrame::MyFrame() {  }  MyFrame::~MyFrame() {  }  bool MyFrame::Create(wxWindowID id, const wxString& title) {  if (!wxFrame::Create(NULL, id, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400, 400)))  {   return false;  }  panel_ = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0, 0));  panel_->SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLUE);  panel_->Connect(wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(MyFrame::OnPaintPanel),    NULL, this);   //1.menubar and statusbar  wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu();   (*fileMenu).Append(wxID_EXIT, wxT("&Exit\tAlt-X"),    wxT("Quit this program"));   wxMenuBar *bar = new wxMenuBar();  bar->Append(fileMenu, wxT("&File"));   SetMenuBar(bar);  CreateStatusBar();  SetStatusText(wxT("welcome to WxWidget"));   //2.button,  wxButton* button = new wxButton(panel_, kButton, wxT("wxThread"),    wxPoint(20, 20));  gauge_ = new wxGauge(panel_, kGauge, 100, wxPoint(20, 60), wxSize(200, 40),    wxGA_HORIZONTAL);  gauge_->SetValue(0);   return true; }  void MyFrame::OnPaintPanel(wxPaintEvent& event) {  wxPaintDC dc(panel_);  dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxRED));  wxSize size = panel_->GetSize();  dc.DrawRectangle(wxRect(20, 20, size.x - 40, size.y - 40)); }  void MyFrame::OnThreadUpdate(wxThreadEvent& event) {  gauge_->SetValue(event.GetInt()); }  void MyFrame::OnThread(wxCommandEvent& event) {  wxMessageBox(wxT("Start a wxThread"), wxT("Good evening."));  MyThread* thread = new MyThread(this);  thread->Execute(); }  void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event) {  Close(); }




windres --input-format=rc -O coff -i resources/style.rc -o build/style.o --define __WXMSW__ --include-dir E:/software/Lib/gui/wxWidgets-2.9.2/include


#include "winresrc.h"  // set this to 1 if you don't want to use manifest resource (manifest resource // is needed to enable visual styles on Windows XP - see docs/msw/winxp.txt // for more information) #define wxUSE_NO_MANIFEST 0  // this is not always needed but doesn't hurt (except making the executable // very slightly larger): this file contains the standard icons, cursors, ... #include "wx/msw/wx.rc"  LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US  //wx.rc contain .manifest,so override it. 1 RT_MANIFEST "uac.manifest"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>  <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="x86" name="Controls" type="win32"></assemblyIdentity> <description></description> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">    <security>     <requestedPrivileges>      <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"></requestedExecutionLevel>     </requestedPrivileges>    </security>  </trustInfo> <dependency>     <dependentAssembly>         <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="X86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"></assemblyIdentity>     </dependentAssembly> </dependency> </assembly>


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