

  A coverage is a feature that associates positions within a bounded space (its spatiotemporal domain) to feature
attribute values (its range). In other words, it is both a feature and a function. Examples include a raster image, a
polygon overlay, or a digital elevation matrix.




  A spatiotemporal domain is a set of geometric objects described in terms of direct positions.
  The range of a coverage is a set of feature attribute values.
  Coverage主要有两种类型,离散的(discrete coverage,如土地利用类型图)和连续的(continuous coverage,如市区温度分布图)。
  A discrete coverage has a spatiotemporal domain that consists of a finite collection of geometric objects and the direct positions contained in those geometric objects.A discrete coverage maps each geometric object to a single record of feature attribute values.
  A continuous coverage has a spatiotemporal domain that consists of a set of direct positions in a coordinate space.A continuous coverage maps direct positions to value records.