

搭建平台:VMware Workstation

OS:RHEL 6.10






--1. 没有收集过直方图,且列出现在where条件中,列的选择性小于1%

select a.owner,





       trunc(num_distinct / num_rows * 100, 2) selectivity,

       'Need Gather Histogram' notice

  from dba_tab_col_statistics a, dba_tables b

 where a.owner = 'TEST'

   and a.table_name = 'TAB'

   and a.owner = b.owner

   and a.table_name = b.table_name

   and num_distinct / num_rows < 0.01  --选择性小于1%

   and (a.owner, a.table_name, a.column_name) in

       (select r.name owner, o.name table_name, c.name column_name

          from sys.col_usage$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.user$ r

         where o.obj# = u.obj#

           and c.obj# = u.obj#

           and c.col# = u.intcol#

           and r.name = 'TEST'

           and o.name = 'TAB')

   and a.histogram = 'NONE';


--2. 列出现在where条件中,列的选择性小于5%,总行数大于5W

select a.owner,





       trunc(num_distinct / num_rows * 100, 2) selectivity,

       'Need Gather Histogram' notice

  from dba_tab_col_statistics a, dba_tables b

 where a.owner = 'TEST'

   and a.table_name = 'TAB'

   and a.owner = b.owner

   and a.table_name = b.table_name

   and num_distinct / num_rows < 0.05  --选择性小于5%

   and num_rows > 50000  --总行数大于5万行

   and (a.owner, a.table_name, a.column_name) in

       (select r.name owner, o.name table_name, c.name column_name

          from sys.col_usage$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.user$ r

         where o.obj# = u.obj#

           and c.obj# = u.obj#

           and c.col# = u.intcol#

           and r.name = 'TEST'

           and o.name = 'TAB');